Understanding the Invalidators of Fasting in Ramadan: Part 1

Invalidators of Fasting: What You Need to Know

[Part 1] 


We begin by mentioning 3 important points which will aid our understanding InshāAllāh:

POINT 1: اليقين لا يزول بالشك

“Certainty is not overcome by doubt” 

When a person begins fasting, he enters a state of certainty (his fast being valid) which is not removed except by a certainty like it. For this reason, we cannot establish that something invalidates the fast unless: (1) we have authentic evidence from the Qur’ān, Sunnah or ijmaa’ to prove this, and (2) this evidence is clear beyond any doubt. Only then can we establish that this matter renders the fast invalid.

POINT 2: These invalidators render the fast invalid WITH three conditions: 

  • The 1st condition: A person engages in them while knowing that they invalidate the fast. This condition excludes ignorance and Ta’weel (i.e. someone follows a scholarly opinion which states that this matter is not from the invalidators). Thus, if someone engages in any of the invalidators believing that it does not invalidate their fast, out of ignorance or due to holding a different opinion, their fast is not invalidated. The proof for this is the ḥadīth of ’Adiy ibn Ḥātim raḍhiyallāhu ’anhu, transmitted by Bukhāri and Muslim; when the Āyah concerning the white thread and black thread was revealed (Al-Baqarah 187), ’Adiy understood it literally, so he took a black thread and a white thread and placed them under his pillow and continued eating and drinking beyond dawn. When he informed the Prophet ﷺ, he ﷺ explained to him that the black thread refers to the darkness of the night and the white thread refers to the whiteness of dawnbreak, and he excused him due to ignorance. 
  • The 2nd condition: A person engages in them intentionally. This condition excludes forgetfulness; if someone engages in any of the invalidators forgetfully, their fast is not invalidated. The proof for this is the statement of the Prophet ﷺ: “If someone eats and drinks forgetfully while he is fasting, then he should complete his fast.” [Bukhāri & Muslim]   
  • The 3rd condition: A person engages in them willingly. This condition excludes compulsion; so if someone is physically forced to break their fast and they do so unwillingly, their fast is not invalidated. The proof for this is the saying of Allāh (translated meaning): “Whoever disbelieves in Allāh after their belief—not those who are forced while their hearts are firm in faith, but those who embrace disbelief wholeheartedly—they will be condemned by Allāh and suffer a tremendous punishment.” [An-Naml 106]

Note: Compulsion is ONLY applicable if: (1) the oppressor is able to see out his threat, (2) the victim is unable to repel them, (3) the threat is imminent, (4) obeying the oppressor will save them from what they’re being threatened with, (5) the victim does not engage in the prohibited matter beyond necessity and (6) he does it unwillingly. 

POINT 3: When scholars discuss the matters which invalidate the fast, they do so in order to establish whether these matters invalidate the fast or not, irrespective of their legal rulings. So for example, if a scholar states that masturbating oneself does not invalidate the fast, this does not mean masturbation is PERMISSIBLE! And the opposite is also true; if a scholar invalidates the fast of a man who masturbates through his wife’s hand, this does not mean this (the wife masturbating her husband) is NOT PERMISSIBLE! 

Let us now begin mentioning some of the invalidators 

The three main invalidators are:

1⃣ Eating 

2⃣ Drinking

3⃣ Sexual intercourse

There’s no difference of opinion amongst the scholars concerning these three matters being from the invalidators, as this is proven by the Qur’ān, Sunnah and Ijmā’ (consensus) 

Proof from the Qur’ān:

Allāh said (translated meaning): “…You may be intimate with them and seek what Allāh has prescribed for you. ˹You may˺ eat and drink until you see the light of dawn breaking the darkness of night, then complete the fast until nightfall…” [Sūrah Al-Baqarah 187]

Proof from the Sunnah:

The Prophet ﷺ said, “Allāh the Exalted said: ‘…He (the fasting person) abstains from his food, drink, and sexual pleasures for My sake.’” [Bukhāri & Muslim]

The Ijmā’ was transmitted by Ibn Ḥazm, Ibn Al-Mundhir, Ibn Qudāmah and others. 

Important notes regarding eating & drinking:

  • Note 1: The Ijmā’ with regards to eating and drinking relates to consumption of nutritional substances. As for consuming non-nutritional substances, then there’s differing amongst the scholars. However, the correct opinion is that these also fall under eating and drinking. So if someone swallows a ring; a non-nutritional solid, their fast is invalidated, because this falls under eating. And if someone drinks poison; a non-nutritional liquid, their fast is invalidated, because this falls under drinking. So whatever is consumed via the mouth; whether solids, liquids, or gases which contain particles that reach the stomach[*] (such as cigarette smoke and incense), all of these fall under eating and drinking, and so the fast is invalidated. 
  • [*] Footnote: This excludes the use of oxygen and asthma pumps, which reach the lungs rather than the stomach. These are not considered food or drink nor do they resemble them. For this reason, the scholars of the Standing Committee have said that these do not invalidate the fast. Even if some of this gas reaches the stomach, the amount is so insignificantly small that it does not invalidate the fast.
  • Note 2: Everything which nourishes the body, such as nutritional injections, drips, blood transfusion, etc., takes the same ruling as eating and drinking, so all of these things invalidate the fast. As for injections which do not provide nutrition to the body, such as vaccinations, insulin, penicillin, etc., these do not invalidate the fast – because they don’t fall under eating and drinking. 
  • Note 3: Snuffing things into the nose invalidates the fast because the nose is an inlet to the stomach. This is why the Prophet ﷺ said: “Snuff excessively when doing Wuḍhū unless you are fasting.” [Abū Dāwūd & others – authenticated by Sheikh Albāni and Sheikh Muqbil] 
  • Note 4: Swallowing saliva does not nullify the fast, because (1) it’s very difficult to avoid, (2) lack of evidence to suggest otherwise, and (3) An-Nawawi relayed an Ijmā’ regarding the permissibility of swallowing saliva while fasting. [Al-Majmū’ (6/317)]. However, the scholars agree that swallowing someone else’s saliva invalidates the fast!
  • Note 5: Swallowing phlegm does not invalidate the fast because: (1) it resembles saliva, and (2) there’s no evidence to suggest otherwise. However, it’s best to spit it out, because it is harmful to the body. 
  • Note 6: Reflux (Qalas) that comes up to the mouth does not invalidate the fast, as long as one does not deliberately swallow it back down. If it reaches the mouth and one is able to expel it, they must do so. 
  • Note 7: If someone bleeds from inside their mouth, they have to spit the blood out, otherwise the fast is invalidated. But if someone swallows this blood involuntarily, without intending to do so, or someone has a nose bleed and some of that reaches his throat, the fast is not invalidated. 
  • Note 8: Foodbits which remain inside the mouth or get stuck between the teeth must be expelled if one is able to do so, otherwise -according to most scholars- the fast is invalidated if someone swollows it deliberately. But if the foodbits are mixed into the saliva whereby it’s impossible to spit out, then the fast is not invalidated.
  • Note 9: Tasting and pre-chewing food for infants while fasting is permissible if there’s a need, but one must make sure not to deliberately swallow anything. 

Important notes regarding sexual intercourse:

  • Note 1: Sexual intercourse (Al-Jimā’) is when the head of the penis is inserted into the vagina; this is enough to invalidate the fast, even if there’s no penetration or ejaculation.  
  • Note 2: Kissing & fondling does not invalidate the fast, but if one is incapable of controlling his desire, which may result in him breaking his fast through sexual intercourse, then he has to keep away from this altogether. ’Ā’ishah raḍhiyallāhu ’anhā said: “The Messenger of Allāh ﷺ used to kiss (his wives) while fasting, and he used to fondle (his wives) while fasting, but he had the greatest control over his desire among you. [Bukhāri & Muslim] 

Note 3: The invalidators are divided into two categories:

  • 1. Those which necessitate Kaffārah (expiation) 
  • 2. Those which do not necessitate kaffārah. 
  • Sexual intercourse falls into the first category while everything else falls into the second category. This is why the scholars have said, sexual intercourse (aside from apostasy) is the most sinful way of breaking one’s fast; as it is the only invalidator which necessitates Kaffārah. 
  • Note 4: The Kaffārah for intercourse, aside from sincere repentance, is to free a slave. If that’s not possible, he has to fast for two months consecutively. During these two months, he is not allowed to break the fast except for a legal reason such as the days of ’Eid, Tashrīq (the 11th,12th, 13th of Dhul-Hijjah) or due to valid excuses such as sickness or the need to travel. If he stops fasting without a valid reason, he has to restart again. If fasting two consecutive months is not possible, he has to feed sixty poor people. If he cannot afford this, he is exempted from offering Kaffārah. The evidence for this is the ḥadīth of Abū Hurairah raḍhiyallāhu ’anhu, who said: “While we were sitting with the Prophet (ﷺ) a man came and said, “O Allāh’s Messenger (ﷺ)! I’m ruined.” Allāh’s Messenger (ﷺ) asked what was the matter with him. He replied “I had sexual intercourse with my wife while I was fasting.” Allāh’s Messenger (ﷺ) asked him, “Can you afford to free a slave?” He replied in the negative. Allāh’s Messenger (ﷺ) asked him, “Can you fast for two successive months?” He replied in the negative. The Prophet (ﷺ) asked him, “Can you afford to feed sixty poor people?” He replied in the negative…” [Bukhāri and Muslim] 
  • Note 5: If both spouses willingly engage in sexual intercourse, both would have invalidated their fasts, and the stronger opinion is that Kaffārah is due upon both individually. 
  • Note 6: If the husband forces his wife into having sexual intercourse and she submits unwillingly, there’s no sin upon her and she can continue with her fast. It is the husband’s fast that is invalidated, and it is he who will bear the sin and carry the responsibility of offering Kaffārah. 
  • Note 7: If someone engages in sexual intercourse more than once within the same day, the sin is far greater, however, only one Kaffārah is necessary. But if one invalidates their fast over a number of days through sexual intercourse, they must perform a separate Kaffārah for each day. 
  • Note 8: Kaffārah is necessary only if someone breaks their fast through sexual intercourse. So if someone breaks their fast by any means other than sexual intercourse and then engages in sexual intercourse, no Kaffārah is required.
  • Note 9: This Kaffārah is specific to breaking the fast during Ramaḍhān. In the case where someone is making up for missed days outside Ramaḍhān, there is no Kaffārah if he breaks his fast through sexual intercourse.  
  • Note 10: If a person enters Fajr in a state of Janābah, this does not invalidate their fast. ’Ā’ishah & Umm Salamah raḍhiyallāhu ’anhumā (the two wives of the Prophet ﷺ) both narrated that the Prophet ﷺ would sometimes enter morning in a state of Janābah due to sexual intercourse, and he would observe fast on that day. [Bukhāri & Muslim]
  • Note 11: If someone has a wet dream while fasting, the scholars are agreed that the fast is not invalidated because the sleeping person is not held accountable; the Ijmā’ was relayed by An-Nawawi, Ibn Abdil-Barr, and Sheikhul Islām Ibn Taymiyyah.
  • Note 12: In the case where someone is excused from fasting, they are allowed to eat, drink and engage in sexual intercourse.

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