The Importance of Respecting In-Laws in Islam: A Lesson from Prophet Ibrahim (AS)

The Islamic Tradition of Honoring Parents and In-Laws: A Guide for Muslim Wives

Any Muslim wife should be aware of the honorable status that parents have in Islam.

Any Muslim wife should know the honourable status parents have in Islam, including those of her husband (whom her sole goal is to please). 

Violating their dignity and well-being is a red line in the Islamic tradition never to be crossed.

Only the degenerate, ignorant, arrogant, ungrateful, brainwashed types would dispute this.

And as per Ibrahim’s (as) advice to his son, it is best to replace them. 

“After Ismaeel’s mother had died, Abraham came after Ismaeel’s marriage to see his family, but he did not find him there. When he asked Ismaeel’s wife about him; she replied, ‘He has gone in search of our livelihood.’ 

Then he asked her about their way of living and their condition, and she replied, ‘We are living in misery; we are living in hardship and destitution,’ complaining to him. 

He said, ‘When your husband returns, convey my salutation to him and tell him to change the threshold of the gate (of his house).’

When Ismaeel came, he seemed to have felt something unusual, so he asked his wife, ‘Has anyone visited you?’ 

She replied, ‘Yes, an old man of so-and-so description came and asked me about you and I informed him, and he asked about our state of living, and I told him that we were living in hardship and poverty.’

Ismaeel said, ‘Did he advise you anything?’

She replied, ‘Yes, he told me to convey his salutation to you and to tell you to change the threshold of your gate.’

Ismaeel said, ‘It was my father, and he has ordered me to divorce you. Go back to your family.’

So, Ismaeel divorced her and married another woman.” (Bukhari)

#Parents #HusbandWife #IslamicHelper

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