How to be affectionate with your spouse in Islam

How to be affectionate with your spouse in Islam


Affection includes all of the loving acts and gestures exchanged between spouses paired with or without sexual intercourse. 

The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ described marital relations as attaining the reward of charity 

[Sahih Muslim 1006]


forbade sexual engagement without foreplay

[Al-Tibb Al-Nabawi, P.181]. 

Lady Aisha (RA) spoke of how our prophet ﷺ sucked her tongue while kissing her


He ﷺ counseled men to sexually satisfy their wives and not neglect their attainment of pleasure.

Affection in all of its forms, both sexual and non-sexual, are critical ingredients for watering and strengthening the marital bond that we shouldn’t let shyness or cultural taboos deprive our unions of. 

Examples of affection are advised in the words and actions of

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ :

“None of you should come on to his wife like an animal; but rather there should be between them a messenger.” 

It was said

“What is the messenger, O Prophet of Allah?”

He replied,

“kisses and sweet words.”

📓-{Ithaf al-Sadat al-Muttaqin bi Sharh Ihya Ulum ad Din 6:175}


“The Messenger of Allah ﷺ would kiss her whilst he was fasting, and he would suck on her tongue.”

📓-{Sunan Abi Dawud, 2378}

#Spouse #Love #IslamicRuling

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