Hanzalah ibn Abū Āmir: The One Bathed by Angels

A Life of Bravery, Sacrifice, and Devotion: The Inspiring Story of Hanzalah ibn Abū Āmir

Sahābah Series: Hanzalah ibn Abū Āmir: The One Bathed by Angels

A Courageous Companion: Hanzalah ibn Abū Āmir [May Allāh be pleased with him] stands as a shining example of bravery, sacrifice, and unwavering devotion in the path of Allāh. 

His marriage to Jamīlah: Shortly before the Battle of Uhud, Hanzalah married Jamīlah. Their marriage was consummated the night before the battle.

A Dream of Divine Assurance: That night, Jamīlah experienced a profound dream. She saw a door open in the sky, through which Hanzalah was gracefully escorted by angels, and the door was then closed behind him. 

Eager to Serve: Upon hearing the call to Jihād, Hanzalah’s eagerness to serve Allāh overcame all personal comforts. Despite having only spent one night with his wife, he promptly grabbed his weapons and joined the battle without completing the full ritual purification [Ghusl].

Heroic Sacrifice: He fought very bravely but was eventually martyred by Shaddād bin Aswad in the battle of Uhud. 

An Honor from the Prophet ﷺ: The Messenger of Allāh ﷺ said: ‘Your companion Hanzalah is being washed by the angels, so ask his wife.’ She said: ‘He left in a state of ritual impurity when he heard the call for the battle.’ So the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ said: ‘That was why the angels were washing him.’” Mustadrak Hākim

A Legacy of Devotion: Hanzalah’s life exemplifies the highest level of devotion and sacrifice for Allāh. His story serves as a powerful reminder of the rewards awaiting those who strive sincerely in the path of Allāh.

Action plan:

 Strive to please Allāh in all your intentions and actions.

 Do not allow anything or anyone to become a barrier between you and your commitment to Allāh.

 Be willing to make sacrifices for the sake of Allāh, just as Hanzalah did. Understand that true honor and reward lie in selflessness and dedication to Allāh.   


 Ibn Hishām

 The History by At-Tabarī.

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By: Ibrāhīm Hussain

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