Hajj Travel for Women: Understanding the Mahram Requirement in Shariah

Can a Woman Travel for Hajj Without a Mahram?

Question: A woman is 40 years old and wants to take her mother for Hajj. Saudi law now allows women over 40 to travel without a Mahram. Is it permissible for her to travel without a Mahram according to Shariah?

Answer: The requirement for a Mahram is a Shariah issue and cannot be overridden by state laws or personal preferences. Shariah mandates that a woman must have a Mahram accompany her on any journey, regardless of her age. Therefore, whether a woman is under or over 40, she must travel with a Mahram for Hajj or Umrah. Traveling without one would be sinful.

Respondent: Sheikh Maqbool Ahmed Salafi Hafizahullah 

Jeddah Dawah Center, Saudi Arabia  

Interpreter: Hasan Fuzail


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