Key Deviation in Hajj Rituals by Hanafi & Barelvi Schools
Rituals of Hajj and Deviations of Hanafi and Barelvi
Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam, obligatory once in a lifetime for those who can afford it. Every Muslim desires to visit the House of Allah. This desire is fulfilled for some by Allah’s grace, while for others, it remains unfulfilled. The will of Allah is supreme.
Attaining the blessing of Hajj is a great reward from Allah. No matter how much we thank Allah for this blessing, it is not enough. This blessing leads to forgiveness of sins, the opportunity to worship in the sacred Haram, the chance to visit the holy sites, the vision of Allah’s pure house, the opportunity to repent from sins, and to turn towards Allah. It creates a disinterest in the world and a concern for the hereafter. In short, the one who performs Hajj returns home as pure as a newborn baby.
If such a great reward and countless benefits of Hajj become subject to imitation, personal whims, or innovation, and if the performance of its rituals and obligations does not follow the example of Muhammad Rasulullah ﷺ, then such a Hajj will be of no benefit. Below are some actions that are not proven from the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ, yet the Hanafi and Barelvi perform these actions during Hajj. My purpose in mentioning these is to encourage pilgrims to perform the Sunnah Hajj and to avoid actions that are not proven from the Prophet ﷺ. The Prophet ﷺ said:
يا أَيُّها الناسُ خُذُوا عَنِّي مناسكَكم ، فإني لا أَدْرِي لَعَلِّي لا أَحُجُّ بعد عامي هذا(صحيح الجامع: 7882)
Translation: “O people! Learn your rituals of Hajj from me, for I do not know, I may not perform Hajj after this year.”
This Hadith indicates that Hajj should be according to the Sunnah, and if it is not, its reward will be lost. Therefore, my brothers, save your Hajj from being wasted.
1. Specific Prayer for Ihram:
There is no specific prayer for Ihram proven from the Hadith, but among the Hanafi, this prayer is considered very important for those performing Umrah and Hajj. No matter how intelligent they are in the five daily prayers, they do not miss this prayer. My experience is that at the Miqat, the Deobandi people leave the Umrah vehicle but do not miss this prayer. If you are wearing Ihram and have performed ablution, you can perform the two Rak’ah Sunnah of ablution if there is time.
2. Intention for Hajj and Umrah:
The words “Labbaik Umrah” for Umrah and “Labbaik Hajj” for Hajj are proven from the Hadith as the intention. This intention is called wearing Ihram. However, the Hanafi have artificial words of intention which they teach people. In “Dur Mukhtar,” the intention for Hajj is taught as follows:
اَللّٰهُمَّ إِنِّي أُرِيْدُ الْحَجَّ، فَيَسِّرْه لِي، وَتَقَبَّلْه مِنِّی، وَأَعِنِّي عَلَيْه، وَبَارِکْ لِي فِيْه، نَوَيْتُ الْحَجَّ، وَأَحْرَمْتُ بِهﷲِ تَعَالٰٰی.(حصکفی، الدر المختار، کتاب الحج، 2 : 482)
Translation: “O Allah! I intend to perform Hajj, so make it easy for me, accept it from me, help me in it, and bless me in it. I have intended Hajj and have worn Ihram for Allah.”
3. Dua for Entering Makkah:
The Hanafi teach this dua for entering Makkah:
اَللّٰهُمَّ إِنَّ هٰذَا حَرَمُکَ وَحَرَمُ رَسُوْلِکَ، فَحَرِّمْ لَحْمِي وَدَمِي وَعَظْمِي عَلَی النَّارِ، الَلّٰهُمَّ اٰمِنِّي مِنْ عَذَابِکَ يَوْمَ تَبْعَثُ عِبَادَکَ، وَاجْعَلْنِي مِنْ أُوْلِيآئِکَ وَأَهْلِ طَاعَتِکَ، وَتُبْ عَلَيَّ، إِنَّکَ أَنْتَ التَّوَّابُ الرَّحِيْمُ.
This dua is not proven from the Prophet ﷺ. However, when entering the Haram Mosque, this dua should be read (it can be read when entering any mosque):
بسم الله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله أعوذ بالله العظيم وبوجهه الكريم وسلطانه القديم من الشيطان الرجيم , اللهم افتح لي أبواب رحمتك(ابوداؤد ونسائی وابن ماجہ)
4. Dua for Entering through Bab al-Salam:
The following dua is read when entering through Bab al-Salam:
“اللّٰهُمَّ أَنْتَ السَّلَامُ، وَمِنْکَ السَّلَامُ، فَحَيِّنَا رَبَّنَا بِالسَّلَامِ، وَأَدْخِلْنَا الْجَنَّةَ دَارَ السَّلَامِ، تَباَرَکْتَ وَتَعَالَيْتَ يَا ذَا الْجَلَالِ وَالْإِکْرَامِ”.
This dua is not proven from the Prophet ﷺ for entering through Bab al-Salam or any other gate.
5. Dua for the First Sight of the Kaaba:
A dua is mentioned for the first sight of the Kaaba, which is as follows:
“اللهم زد هذا البيت تشريفاً وتكريماً وتعظيماً ومهابة، وزد من شرفه وكرمه ممن حجه أو اعتمره تشريفاً وتكريماً وتعظيماً وبراً”
This dua is narrated through multiple chains, but all are weak. It is also believed that the dua made at the first sight of the Kaaba is accepted. Some such duas are narrated, but none are proven.
6. Intention for Tawaf:
Intention is the name of the heart’s resolve. It is formed in the heart before any action, and there is no need to express it verbally because Allah is All-Hearing and All-Seeing. There is no evidence of expressing the intention verbally for Tawaf, but the Hanafi teach it.
7. Specific Duas for Each Corner of the Kaaba:
Specific duas for each corner of the Kaaba (Rukn Shami, Rukn Iraqi, Rukn Yamani, Hajar Aswad) are found in Hanafi books, which are not proven. The correct Hadith proves reciting “رَبَّنَا آتِنَا فِي الدُّنْيَا حَسَنَةً وَفِي الْآخِرَةِ حَسَنَةً وَقِنَا عَذَابَ النَّارِ” between Rukn Yamani and Hajar Aswad.
8. Specific Duas for Each Round of Tawaf:
Specific duas for each round of Tawaf are taught by them. This is not the place to mention all the duas, but I want to say that no specific dua for any round is proven from the Prophet ﷺ (except the “Rabbana” dua between Rukn Yamani and Hajar Aswad). Therefore, you can recite any dua without specifying the seven rounds of Tawaf.
(9) Intention for Sa’i: The intention for Sa’i is made with these words:
“اَللّٰهُمَّ إِنِِّي أُرِيْدُ السَّعْيَ بَيْنَ الصَّفَا وَالْمَرْوَةَ سَبْعَةَ أَشْوَاطٍ لِّوَجْهِکَ الْکَرِيْمِ فَيَسِّرْه لِي وَتَقَبَّلْه مِنِّي.”
As I mentioned above, the intention for Hajj or Umrah is made when tying the Ihram, and there is no specific intention for the Sa’i or Tawaf later on.
(10) Specific Prayers for Sa’i: It is confirmed that this prayer should be recited at Safa and Marwah:
‘لَا إِلٰہَ إِلَّا اللّٰہُ وَحْدَہٗ لَا شَرِیکَ لَہٗ لَہٗ الْمُلْکُ وَلَہُ الْحَمْدُ یُحْیِي وَ یُمِیتُ وَھُوَ عَلٰی كُلِّ شَيْئٍ قَدِيرٌ، لَا إِلٰہَ إِلَّا اللّٰہُ وَحْدَہٗ لَا شَرِیکَ لَہٗ أنْجَزَ وَعْدَہٗ وَنَصَرَ عَبْدَہٗ وَھَزَمَ الْأَحْزَابَ وَحْدَہٗ.’
Other than this, any prayer can be recited during the rounds, but among the Hanafis, many artificial prayers are recited during Sa’i, and we must avoid them.
(11) Full Prayer in Mina: Prophet ﷺ performed shortened (Qasr) prayers in Mina, so we too should pray in the same manner. However, Hanafis oppose this Sunnah and pray the complete prayers. They use the travel-related Ahadith as justification, although the procedure of Hajj is very clear. All the companions, whether residents or travelers, prayed the shortened (Qasr) prayers with the Prophet ﷺ in Mina. Therefore, the travel-related hadith does not apply here, and we should follow the Prophet’s practice during Hajj.
(12) Full Prayer in Arafat: According to the Sunnah, in Arafat, the Zuhr and Asr prayers should be prayed together, shortened (Qasr) and in advance. But in Hanafi Fiqh, these prayers are performed in their respective times in full (without shortening), which is a clear contradiction of the Sunnah.
(13) Full Prayer in Muzdalifah: We are surprised by Hanafi Fiqh, which states that the prayers in Arafat cannot be combined, but when it comes to Muzdalifah, they allow combining the Maghrib and Isha prayers after sunset, which is contradictory. According to the Sunnah, Maghrib and Isha should be prayed together, delayed and shortened in Muzdalifah.
(14) Jamarat Named as Satan: Among the common people of the Hanafis, the place where stones are thrown is called Satan, which is a big mistake. Its name is Jamarat, and calling it Satan and throwing stones with the belief of harming Satan is an incorrect belief. Correct your understanding.
(15) Rami Before Zawal During Days of Tashreeq: It is established from the Sunnah that the Prophet ﷺ threw stones at Jamarat after Zawal (midday). Therefore, it is only permissible to throw stones after Zawal during the days of Tashreeq. Anyone who throws before this is leaving a required act, and they will be required to give a sacrifice (Dam). Among Hanafis, this Sunnah is often ignored, and they throw stones before Zawal, leading others into error as well.
(16) Theory of Haj-e-Akbar: It is widely spread among the public that if Arafat falls on a Friday, it is Haj-e-Akbar, but there is no proof for this. Rather, it is established that Yawm al-Nahr (the Day of Sacrifice) is considered Haj-e-Akbar.
(17) Order of Hajj Rituals on Yawm al-Nahr: For those performing Hajj Tamattu, the order of actions on Yawm al-Nahr is as follows: First, Rami (stoning) at Jamarat al-Aqaba, then slaughtering the sacrifice, followed by shaving or trimming the hair, and then performing Tawaf al-Ifadah and Sa’i. Changing this order is not harmful because the Prophet ﷺ said: “Do as convenient, there is no harm.” However, according to Hanafis, this order is obligatory, and no one can shave their head without offering the sacrifice. This misconception causes confusion and difficulties for the people, even though there is no real obligation.
(18) Opening the Face for Women: There is a common misconception among women that Hijab is not required during Hajj, but in reality, Hijab is obligatory everywhere, whether during Hajj or otherwise. Some women believe that no cloth should touch their face, so they wear Western-style face coverings, which is a strange practice.
(19) Precautionary Dam: The concept of precautionary Dam (sacrifice) is significant among the Hanafis, such as performing precautionary actions during Friday prayers. Many Hanafis give Dam (sacrifice) during Hajj out of fear of making an error. Unfortunately, such guidance often comes from leaders with incomplete knowledge. Dam should only be given if it is known that an obligatory act was missed or a restriction of Ihram was violated. Doubting one’s actions during Hajj and giving Dam based on that doubt is a sign of a lack of faith.
(20) Innovative Practices (Bid’ah): Just like the Barelvis, Hanafis also engage in innovative practices during Hajj, such as seeking blessings from the walls of the Kaabah or the stones of Jamarat, feeding pigeons, picking up food that pigeons have eaten, washing stones, bringing back Zamzam water to their homes to wash the burial cloth, or praying through intercession. These practices are unproven and should be avoided.
(21) Weak and Artificial Prayers: I have mentioned some prayers above that are not established from authentic Hadith. In addition, there are numerous prayers recited at various locations during Hajj that are not proven and some are even fabricated, such as prayers when climbing Safa and Marwah, walking towards Marwah, between the green lights, at the Valley of Mina, during the departure to Arafat, when entering Arafat, at the standing in Arafat, during departure to Muzdalifah, at standing in Muzdalifah, after the morning prayer in Muzdalifah, before stoning the Jamarat al-Aqaba, at Tawaf al-Wada, and when leaving the Kaabah. None of these prayers are proven.
(22) Distinction Between Fard and Wajib: In reality, there is no distinction between Fard and Wajib in the performance of Hajj. However, Hanafis make a distinction between them. They call the pillars of Hajj Fard, but they should be called the pillars (Arkan), not Fard. The number of Fard actions also varies in Hanafi teachings, with some saying there are four, five, or six, whereas the evidence shows there are only four pillars of Hajj.
(23) Repeated Umrah from Masjid Aisha: In Hajj Qiran, Umrah and Hajj are performed together, while in Hajj Tamattu, one performs Umrah first and then Hajj. Among the Hanafis, especially those performing Tamattu, it is common to perform multiple Umrahs before Hajj, which directly contradicts the prescribed rituals of Hajj.
(24) Hajj for the People of Makkah (Hajj Ifraad): It is commonly believed among the Hanafis that only people from Makkah can perform Hajj Ifraad. However, they have no proof for this. All three types of Hajj are equally valid for everyone, including the people of Makkah.
(25) The Concept of Visiting Madinah: Based on weak Hadiths, it is often claimed that visiting Madinah is part of Hajj and that visiting the Prophet’s grave completes Hajj. However, the last ritual of Hajj is Tawaf al-Wada, and after that, Hajj is completed.
May Allah grant us the ability to perform Hajj according to the Sunnah and protect us from innovative practices. Ameen.
Maqbool Ahmed Salafi
Preacher and Translator: Islamic Center, Taif