Guidance on Marrying Younger Daughters When the Elder Sister is Unmarried

Advice on Marrying a Younger Daughter When the Elder Sister Remains Unmarried: Islamic Perspective

Question: I am 24 years old, while my elder sister is 30 and is still unmarried because she hasn’t found anyone she likes. She has high demands, and in this situation, what is the ruling regarding my marriage? My parents are not in favor of it.

Answer: Nowadays, it has become difficult for girls to get married in many places. If a girl sets high demands for her marriage, it will further delay her marriage, and she will miss the age when a husband and wife can enjoy a good relationship together.

In this case, the delay in your elder sister’s marriage is due to her own choices. May Allah guide her. If the situation is such, the younger sister can express her desire for marriage to her parents, as everyone knows their own circumstances best. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “O young people! Whoever among you can afford to marry, let him do so, for it helps lower the gaze and guard one’s modesty.” (Bukhari and Muslim)

Marriage is a Sunnah, a necessity, and a means of protecting chastity and modesty. The current environment is very tempting, and as soon as a boy or girl reaches the age of marriage, they should be married. Although society may consider it inappropriate for the younger daughter to marry while the elder daughter is still unmarried, there is no harm in marrying the younger daughter first if the situation calls for it, as is the case here. When the younger daughter expresses her desire to marry to her father or mother, the parents should understand that her marriage has become a necessity, and they should promptly look for a suitable match for her.

✍ Sheikh Maqbool Ahmad Salafi حفظہ اللہ
❪جــــــده دعـــــوه سنتر- السلامــــة- المملڪــــــة العربيـــــة السعوديــــــة

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