How to Find Connection in Prayer: Overcoming Disconnection and Strengthening Your Faith

Overcoming Disconnection in Prayer: Practical Steps to Reconnect and Strengthen Your Faith

Question: I don’t feel connected during my prayers. I do pray, but my heart isn’t in it. What should I do in this situation?

Answer: Faith (Imaan) means declaring the Kalimah with the tongue, affirming it with the heart, and acting upon it with the limbs. Until we practice the practical interpretation of faith, we will not be considered true believers. For a believer, prayer (Salah) holds the status of a pillar, and a believer adheres to it in all circumstances, whether in ease or difficulty.

A Companion, Imran bin Husain (رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ), who was suffering from hemorrhoids, asked the Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) about prayer. The Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) said, “Pray standing, and if you cannot, then pray sitting, and if you cannot even do that, then pray lying on your side.” (Bukhari)

From this Hadith, it is clear that prayer is never exempt. Even a sick person who cannot pray standing should pray sitting, and if unable to sit, should pray lying on their side. Prayer is not exempt in any situation. Given the importance of prayer, how can a Muslim think or say that they do not feel connected during prayer? If someone thinks this way, they should safeguard their faith.

One who feels this way should sincerely repent to Allah, who will forgive past sins, and make a firm intention to perform prayers regularly, regardless of whether their heart is in it or not. This act is essential for being a Muslim. A person might skip household chores, duties, or any other actions, but they must never skip prayer.

When a Muslim reflects on the sin and consequences of abandoning prayer, they will realize its importance. Without praying, they will not be considered a Muslim, no act of worship will be accepted, and they will not be deserving of Allah’s mercy and blessings. Instead, they might be subjected to trials, suffering, and in the Hereafter, the destination of one who abandons prayer is Hell.

Hence, there are many worldly and otherworldly punishments for not praying, so we must fear Allah and perform prayer regularly under all circumstances. There could be several reasons for negligence in prayer, and these should be eliminated, such as watching movies and serials, attending bad gatherings, keeping bad company, consuming unlawful earnings, and engaging in bad deeds. Avoid these and instead, attend religious gatherings, listen to religious talks, make pious friends, and take an interest in good deeds. Particularly, perform the five daily prayers at their prescribed times, recite the post-prayer supplications, morning and evening supplications, supplications before sleeping and upon waking, and recite some portion of the Quran regularly. Also, give a little charity; this will soften the heart.

By: Shaykh Maqbool Ahmed Salafi Hafidhahullah

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