Fidya for Missed Fasts: A Guide for Heirs of the Deceased

What to Do When a Loved One Passes Away with Unmade Fasts: Fidya and Compensation

Question: If someone has not fasted for four years, sometimes 15 days, sometimes 12 days, due to illness and old age, and now they have passed away, should their family give fidya (compensation) for the missed fasts? Should the fidya be for one meal per fast or one day’s worth of meals? Please provide evidence.

Answer: The question is about someone who missed some fasts each year for four years due to old age and illness and has now passed away. 

It appears that the deceased was negligent because they had the ability to fast but did not make up the missed fasts throughout the year. Missing some fasts each year indicates that they had the ability to fast. In such a case, they should have made up for the missed fasts before the next Ramadan. However, this was not done, indicating negligence. We pray that Allah forgives the shortcomings of the deceased.

If the deceased was genuinely unable to fast, they should have given fidya for each missed fast during Ramadan itself. Since the fidya for the missed fasts of four years has not been given, the heirs should fulfill this responsibility and give fidya for all the missed fasts.

Regarding fidya, Allah says in the Quran:

"And upon those who are able [to fast, but with hardship] - a ransom [as substitute] for feeding a poor person [each day]." (Al-Baqarah: 184)

This verse indicates that the fidya for one missed fast is to feed one poor person. Some Hadiths also mention giving half a sa’ (measure) of grain as fidya. One sa’ is considered to be three kilograms, so half a sa’ would be one and a half kilograms. If one sa’ is considered to be two and a half kilograms, then half a sa’ would be one and a quarter kilograms. Therefore, the fidya for one missed fast is to give one and a quarter to one and a half kilograms of grain.

✍ Sheikh Maqbool Ahmed Salafi (may Allah protect him)

❪Jeddah Dawah Center, Al-Salamah – Saudi Arabia❫

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