Understanding the Connection Between Personal Sins and Child Illness

The Truth About Sins and Child Illnesses in Islam

Question: In my home, whenever a child becomes ill, everyone blames me, saying that my sins have affected the child, and that is why the child is sick. They accuse me of not praying on time, committing sins, and that is why these difficulties arise. Is this correct?

Answer: This belief is completely wrong. The idea that parents’ sins are passed onto their children, causing them to fall ill, is utterly false. You should not pay any attention to such baseless accusations. Illness and hardships, as well as ease and comfort, all come from Allah. In times of illness and difficulty, one should turn to Allah and seek relief through permissible means. In the Quran, it is mentioned regarding Prophet Ibrahim Alaihis-Salam that he said: “When I fall ill, it is my Lord who cures me.” This means that both illness and healing come from Allah. 

However, if we are negligent in performing our religious obligations, we should correct ourselves because we are created to worship Allah. Being lazy in worship can result in consequences in this world and accountability in the Hereafter.

✍ Sheikh Maqbool Ahmed Salafi (Hafizahullaah)

Jeddah Dawah Center – As-Salamah – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


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