Islamic Ruling on Shaking Hands with Non-Mahram Women

Understanding the Prohibition of Handshakes with Non-Mahram Women in Islam

Can I shake a non-mahram hand if I’m wearing gloves?

Question: What is the ruling on shaking hands with a non-mahram woman, such as a cousin, and what is the status of the hadith that mentions the Prophet ﷺ being approached by a girl who would take him by the hand?

Sheikh Rashād Adh-Dhali’ee hafidahullah responded:

Shaking hands with a non-mahram woman, such as a cousin, is prohibited. There is a warning against this in the hadith reported by Ma’qil ibn Yasar (may Allah be pleased with him) in At-Tabarāni and others, where the Prophet ﷺ said: “For one of you to be stabbed in the head with an iron needle is better for him than to touch a woman who is not permissible for him.”

Some people, when approached by a non-mahram woman for a handshake, might place their hand slightly inside their shirt or wrap it with their turban before shaking hands. This is incorrect. The proper action is to refrain from shaking hands altogether. One should not place their hand inside their shirt sleeve, wrap it with their turban, or use any other method. Rather, one should completely abstain from shaking hands with a non-mahram woman.

Regarding the second point: the hadith in question is authentic and is found in Sahih Al-Bukhari, narrated by Anas (may Allah be pleased with him), who said: “A slave girl from the slaves of Madinah would take the hand of the Prophet ﷺ and lead him wherever she wished.”

The meaning of this hadith is that she was a young girl whose hand was not impermissible to touch or shake. Similarly, if a person shakes hands with a young girl, it is not considered prohibited, and it does not lead to any temptation. Therefore, there is no issue with it. And Allah knows best.


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