Can a Muslim Woman Work Outside the Home? Islamic Guidance

Women’s Work and Financial Independence in Islam: What’s Permitted?

Question: If a woman has no source of income and is dependent on others, can she work inside or outside the home to become financially independent? Is there any sin in this?

Answer: The real question here is whether the woman has a guardian, such as a husband or father, to support her financially, as the father is responsible for the daughter and the husband is responsible for his wife. If the woman has no one to support her and she needs a job for her livelihood, she may work or engage in business within the limits of Shariah. This is a matter of necessity, and in such cases, it is permissible for a woman to work. Otherwise, it is better for a woman to remain at home, as even her prayers are preferred to be offered at home. The Prophet ﷺ stated that women are the greatest trial for men.

In summary, a woman may earn a halal income outside the home in cases of necessity, but it is better for her to remain at home. If she finds an opportunity to earn from home, such as through sewing or embroidery, that would be even better.

Response by: Sheikh Maqbool Ahmad Salafi (Hafizahullaah)

Jeddah Dawah Center, Hai Al-Salamah – Saudi Arabia

Interpreter: Hasan Fuzail 


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