Etiquettes of After Intercourse in Islam: Health and Hygiene Guidelines

Maintaining Health and Hygiene After Intercourse: Islamic Guidelines and Medical Advice

After intercourse it is healthy for both husband and wife to urinate.

 This will clear the urinal passage (urethra) of any remaining sperm or other liquids that may cause infections.

Faqeeh Abul Laith R.A has encouraged urination after intercourse and thereafter the washing of the private parts. This ensures good health. However, whilst the body is hot, cold water should not be used as it may cause a fever.

Ali R.A has also mentioned that both husband and wife should urinate after intercourse in order to save themselves form sicknesses that may not be easily cured. 

The private parts should be washed. This is how one would remain healthy. If one has no warm water, then one should wait for the body temperature to drop.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) taught that if you have sexual relations with your spouse once and feel like it again soon after, then though it is not a must, it is better to do wudhu between the two sessions. (Abu Dawood 1:29).

Similarly in Zhyaa Uloomid Deen, tmaam Ghazaali RA has mentioned that in such a situation the minimum is that the private parts be washed after urinating. He mentions that one should avoid repeated sexual relations without at least having washed up.

Thyaa 2:47

In fact some doctors have also mentioned that if a man ejaculates, he should avoid engaging in sex with his wife before washing up.

Some have gone as far as saying that there is a possibility of deformation or disorder in a child conceived as a result.

 Abu Dawood 1:29

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