Proper Etiquette for Reciting Supplications After Wudu in the Bathroom

Should You Recite Supplications After Wudu in the Bathroom

Question: Should we recite the supplication after performing Wudu (ablution) while in the bathroom?

Answer: It is not permissible to mention Allah in the bathroom; therefore, you should not say “Bismillah” before performing Wudu in the bathroom, nor should you recite the supplication after Wudu there. While performing Wudu, you can silently say “Bismillah” in your heart at the beginning, but do not express it verbally. After completing Wudu, you should recite the supplication once you exit the bathroom.

✍ Sheikh Maqbool Ahmad Salafi, may Allah preserve him
❪Jeddah Dawah Center – Al-Salamh – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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