Is It Appropriate to Pray for a Deceased Woman to Be Granted a Better Husband?

Understanding the Supplication for a Deceased Woman to Have a Better Husband

Praying for a Deceased Woman to Be Granted a Better Husband 

Question: If the deceased is a woman, is it appropriate to supplicate for her with the following:

اللهم أبدلها زوجا خيرا من زوجها 

“O Allāh, grant her a husband better than her (worldly) husband”? 

Sheikh Rashād Adh-Dhali’ee ḥafidhahullāh:

Yes, it is appropriate to supplicate for her with that. The meaning of this supplication is to ask Allāh to grant her a husband who possesses qualities superior to those of her husband from this world—not that she would be given a different husband. For a believing woman who was married in this life, if she passes away and enters Paradise, she will be reunited as the wife of the husband she had in this world. This supplication, therefore, means that her husband’s attributes—both his character and conduct—will be enhanced to be even better than they were in this worldly life.


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