Is It Correct to Recite Surah Al-Ma’un for Protection from Mice and Insects?

Protection from Mice and Harmful Insects: The Right Supplications and Practices

Question: Is it correct to recite Surah Al-Ma’un loudly to stay safe from mice and harmful insects, or is there any specific supplication for this purpose?

Answer: To stay safe from poisonous and harmful insects in your homes, two actions are necessary. Firstly, clean your homes to remove such harmful insects. Secondly, recite the supplications for protection from harmful creatures and evil spirits. There is no evidence for reciting Surah Al-Ma’un for this purpose. The guidance provided by the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) is sufficient for us. Perform the five daily prayers, recite the prescribed supplications after each obligatory prayer, and engage in the morning and evening supplications. Additionally, recite the supplications before sleeping and upon waking up. By doing so, you will be protected everywhere, whether at home or outside. These supplications include prayers for protection from all kinds of evil. For more details, you can listen to my YouTube channel’s lecture on “Eight Important Supplications for Protection from Jinn and Evil Spirits.”

✍ Sheikh Maqbool Ahmed Salafi حفظه الله

❪Jeddah Dawah Center, Hayy Al-Salamah – Saudi Arabia❫


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