How to Pray for Patience in Times of Distress: A Guide for Believers

Praying for Patience: Seeking Divine Help in Trials

Question: Can one pray for patience in general situations, using a Quranic prayer or in their own language, such as “O Allah! Grant me patience”? For example, if someone is in distress or facing a trial, can they pray, “O Allah, grant me patience”?

Answer: Exercising patience during times of distress is a characteristic of a believer. A believer can indeed pray to Allah for patience during such times, as there is no religious prohibition against praying for patience. Therefore, anyone who is afflicted by a calamity or trial can certainly pray to Allah, saying, “O Allah, grant me patience in this calamity” or “O Allah, grant me the ability to be patient in this trial.”

✍ Sheikh Maqbool Ahmed Salafi (May Allah preserve him)

❪Jeddah Dawah Center, Hayy Al-Salamah – Saudi Arabia❫


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