A Supplication That Amazed the Prophet ﷺ: The Powerful Dhikr That Opens the Gates of Heaven

The Amazing Supplication That Opened the Gates of Heaven: A Deep Dive Into the Dhikr Praised by the Prophet

In the rich tradition of Islamic worship, prayer (Salah) holds a unique place as the direct connection between the servant and Allah (Subḥānahu wa Ta’āla). During prayer, we enter into a state of submission and humility, calling upon Allah with reverence and devotion. The words we recite and the actions we perform in prayer hold immense spiritual significance, offering us the opportunity to seek nearness to our Creator. In this beautiful practice, even the smallest acts and utterances can have profound meanings and effects. One such example is a supplication that was so remarkable it amazed the Prophet ﷺ himself.

The Powerful Supplication

Ibn ‘Umar (Raḍi-Allāhu ‘Anhumā) narrated an incident that took place while he was praying alongside the Prophet ﷺ. As they were engaged in prayer, a man from the congregation recited the following words:

  • “Allaahu Akbar Kabeeran Wal Ḥamdulillaahi Katheeran Wa SubḥaanAllaahi Bukratan Wa Aṣeelaa” (الله أكبر كبيراً والحمد لله كثيراً وسبحان الله بكرة وأصيلاً)

This supplication translates to:

  • “Allah is Great, the Greatest, and praise belongs to Allah in abundance, and glorified be Allah at the beginning and end of the day.”

This is a form of Dhikr (remembrance) that encapsulates praise and glorification of Allah (Subḥānahu wa Ta’āla). It is a reminder of Allah’s majesty and grandeur, a recognition of His greatness and power, and an acknowledgment of the continuous need for His mercy and blessings.

The Prophet ﷺ’s Reaction

After the prayer was completed, the Prophet ﷺ asked the congregation: “Who said such and such?” referring to the words of the supplication. The man who recited it responded: “I did, O Messenger of Allah.”

The Prophet ﷺ was visibly amazed and said: “I was amazed by it, for it opened the gates of heaven.” These words, spoken by the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, highlight the tremendous impact and spiritual significance of this supplication. The Prophet ﷺ’s statement indicates that this Dhikr was so powerful that it caused the gates of heaven to open, suggesting that it was a means of divine acceptance and closeness to Allah.

The beauty of this event lies in the simple yet profound nature of the supplication. It consists of phrases that reflect the greatness of Allah, His attributes of perfection, and our acknowledgment of His infinite praise. These words are not just a routine or formality; they are words that resonate deeply in the heart of the believer, evoking awe and humility.

The Importance of the Supplication

The words recited in this supplication encapsulate key elements of worship and submission:

  1. “Allah is Great, the Greatest” (Allāhu Akbaru Kabeeran): This phrase is an expression of the ultimate greatness of Allah. The word “Akbar” (greater) is an indication of Allah’s supreme majesty and the inability of anything or anyone to compare to Him. When we say this, we are reminded of Allah’s sovereignty over everything in the heavens and the earth.
  2. “Praise belongs to Allah in abundance” (Wal Ḥamdulillaahi Katheeran): Praise for Allah is not limited to a few words or specific circumstances; rather, it is a constant and continuous acknowledgment of His infinite goodness and perfection. This phrase encourages the believer to recognize that Allah’s praise is boundless, and it is incumbent upon us to glorify Him at every moment.
  3. “Glorified be Allah at the beginning and end of the day” (Wa SubḥaanAllaahi Bukratan Wa Aṣeelaa): This portion of the supplication speaks to the continuous remembrance of Allah throughout the day, both in the morning and in the evening. It is a reminder that our devotion to Allah should be constant, not limited to specific times or actions. Every part of our day should be filled with the remembrance of Allah, whether we are beginning our day or closing it.

A Call to Consistent Dhikr

Ibn ‘Umar (Raḍi-Allāhu ‘Anhumā) shared that after he heard the Prophet ﷺ say that the supplication had opened the gates of heaven, he made a commitment: “I have not abandoned them (i.e., these words) since I heard the Messenger of Allah ﷺ say that.” This shows the profound effect that this moment had on Ibn ‘Umar, and it serves as a reminder for all of us to strive to incorporate such powerful supplications into our daily lives.

The remembrance of Allah (Dhikr) is a highly encouraged practice in Islam. It is a means of purifying the heart, attaining tranquility, and drawing closer to Allah. The Quran itself encourages us to engage in Dhikr throughout the day and night:

  • “O you who have believed, remember Allah with much remembrance” (Quran, Surah Al-Ahzab 33:41).

Dhikr strengthens our faith, alleviates anxiety, and opens up the pathways of blessings. It also protects us from the whisperings of Shaytan and helps us maintain a strong connection with Allah.

A Supplication that Transcends Time

The beauty of this supplication is that it is simple yet profound, easy to memorize, and extremely powerful in its meaning. While many supplications are specific to certain occasions or needs, this one can be recited at any time—whether in prayer or during daily moments of reflection. It reminds us of Allah’s greatness, the importance of praising Him abundantly, and the need to glorify Him both in the morning and the evening.

By incorporating this Dhikr into our lives, we follow the example of the Prophet ﷺ and the companions who embraced it and made it a regular part of their worship. As a result, we too can hope to experience the opening of the gates of heaven through our sincere supplications and remembrance of Allah.


This supplication, which so amazed the Prophet ﷺ, is a reminder to us all of the power of sincere worship and remembrance. In our busy lives, we may sometimes overlook the small acts of devotion that can have a profound impact on our connection with Allah. Yet, as this hadith illustrates, it is often the simple yet sincere words of praise and glorification that have the power to open the gates of heaven. Let us strive to incorporate this supplication into our prayers and daily routines, not just as a ritual, but as a genuine expression of our love, reverence, and submission to the Almighty Allah.

May Allah grant us the ability to remember Him frequently, to praise Him abundantly, and to glorify Him at all times. May He open the gates of heaven for us, and may we always be among those who are closest to Him in our hearts and actions.



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