Debunking a Common Myth: The Truth About Cutting Nails in Islam

Examining the Authenticity of Hadiths and Nail Cutting Methods in Islam

Question: A post mentions two hadiths and a method for cutting nails. 

First Hadith: The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said that the one who holds onto my Sunnah during times of tribulation will receive the reward of a hundred martyrs.

Second Hadith: Humayd ibn Abd al-Rahman narrates that whoever cuts their nails on Friday will be protected from illness (Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah 2/65).

The method for cutting nails mentioned is: start with the index finger of the right hand, then the middle finger, then the little finger, then the ring finger, then the little finger of the left hand, followed by the ring finger, middle finger, index finger, thumb, and finally the thumb of the right hand. For the toes, start from the smallest toe on the right foot and proceed in order from right to left.

Is this post accurate?

Answer: You should know that the method for cutting nails mentioned in the post is not proven by any hadith. This is a fabricated method created by someone. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) used to prefer starting from the right side in his actions, so we can also start cutting nails from the right side, as mentioned in this hadith:

Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) said:

“The Prophet (peace be upon him) liked to start from the right side in all his affairs: in purification, combing his hair, and putting on his shoes.” (Sahih al-Bukhari: 426)

However, there is no specific method for cutting nails from the right side.

Regarding the two hadiths mentioned in the post, both are weak. One is very weak, and the other is fabricated.

First Hadith: “Whoever holds onto my Sunnah during the corruption of my Ummah will have the reward of a hundred martyrs.” (Shaykh al-Albani classified it as very weak: Da’if al-Targhib: 30)

Second Hadith: “Whoever cuts their nails on Friday will be protected from harm until the next Friday.” (Shaykh al-Albani classified it as fabricated: Da’if al-Jami’: 5796)

✍🏼 Sheikh Maqbool Ahmed Salafi Hafidhahullah

Jeddah Da’wah Center.

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