Characteristics of True Believers: Lessons from Surah Al-Anfal (Verse 2-4)

Understanding the Traits of Genuine Believers in Islam

The believers are only those who, when ALLĀH is mentioned, their hearts become fearful, and when HIS verses are recited to them, it increases them in faith; and upon their Lord they rely.

They are˺ those who perform As-Salāt (Iqāmat-as-Salât) and spend out of that WE have provided them.

It is they who are the believers in truth. For them are degrees ˹of high position˺ with their Lord and forgiveness and noble provision.

{Al-Anfāl || Verse 2-4}


1⃣ Take yourself to account.

In these verses, ALLĀH mentioned five characteristics of true believers. How many of those characteristics do you possess?

2⃣ Contemplation over mere recitation.

While the recitation of the Qur’an is very rewarding, it shouldn’t take the place of contemplation. This is one of the main reasons for the revelation of the Qur’an and has a more lasting effect on an individual’s heart than mere recitation.

3⃣ Faith increases and decreases.

Sometimes you feel like standing the whole night in prayer, and sometimes you won’t have the urge to wake up for the Fajr prayer. These things happen to everyone. The believer takes the means to increase their faith by doing acts of obedience, while the hypocrite falters by returning to acts of disobedience.

4⃣ Take care of your Salāh.

Due to the importance of Salāh, you will struggle to find a mention of the characteristics of believers that excludes Salāh. Salāh should be performed regularly, punctually, correctly, and lovingly.

5⃣ Spend from ALLĀH’S provision to you.

A believer spends on others from whatever ALLĀH has provided them, whether obligatory or non-obligatory. This includes giving Zakah, spending on family, charity, and all sorts of good deeds because the most beloved among ALLĀH’s creations to HIM are the most beneficial to HIS creation.

6⃣ Strive for the best.

The believers’ levels in Jannah are of varying degrees according to the level of their deeds. Just as we strive for the best in this world, we should strive even more for that which is everlasting, the best degree in Paradise, where there is that which no eye has seen, no ear has heard, nor has it ever crossed the mind of man.

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