Understanding the Innovation of Collective Durood Recitation in Rabi’ al-Awwal

Addressing the Innovation of Group Durood Recitation During Rabi’ al-Awwal

Question: As soon as Rabi’ al-Awwal arrives, some women organize gatherings for reciting Durood, and they gather to recite it together. How should they be advised to stop?  

Answer: Organizing gatherings to recite Durood in Rabi’ al-Awwal and collectively reciting it is an innovation (bid’ah). In fact, two types of innovations are present in this act:  

1. The first innovation is designating the month of Rabi’ al-Awwal or any specific date for reciting Durood without any basis in Shariah.  

2. The second innovation is reciting Durood collectively in a group format, which has no evidence from the Sunnah.  

In terms of Shariah, we are not permitted to fix any time or date for reciting Durood or to perform it collectively. There is no evidence of this practice in the Sunnah.

The Prophet ﷺ said: “Whoever performs an action that is not in accordance with our matter (the Deen) will have it rejected.” (Sahih Muslim: 1718)  

It means that any act of worship performed that is not part of the religion is rejected and invalid.  

This principle applies not only to Durood but to any act of worship. Appointing a time or date for worship or performing an individual act in a collective manner without evidence are both considered bid’ah. Therefore, if you see someone committing such an innovation, invite them to the truth. This is your duty, as guidance and success come from Allah alone.

Response by: Sheikh Maqbool Ahmad Salafi (Hafizahullaah)

Jeddah Dawah Center, Hai Al-Salamah – Saudi Arabia

Interpreter: Hasan Fuzail


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