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Examining the Authenticity of the Hadith on Wealthy and Needy Livestock
Question: Did the Prophet (ﷺ) instruct the wealthy to keep goats and the needy to keep chickens, and is it true that when the wealthy start keeping chickens, Allah commands the destruction of that community? (Ibn Majah: 2307)
Answer: This hadith is fabricated and false, so it is not permissible to attribute it to the Prophet (ﷺ). One of the narrators in the chain of this hadith was known to fabricate narrations, which is why Shaykh Al-Albani has classified its chain as fabricated.
Response by: Sheikh Maqbool Ahmad Salafi (Hafizahullaah)
Jeddah Dawah Center, Hai Al-Salamah – Saudi Arabia
Interpreter: Hasan Fuzail