Is it Permissible to Ask About a Bride’s Virginity?

The Islamic Ruling on Asking About a Bride’s Virginity

Asking “Was She a Virgin?” – The Permanent Committee of Scholars

In The Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy


There are some people who ask the husband the morning after having sexual relations with his wife about the virginity of his wife (the bride) saying : 

“Did you find your wife to be a virgin or not?” Is it permissible for him to respond to this question, even if the questioner was one of the man’s or the woman’s parents?


It is neither permissible to ask this question nor respond to it, rather he must close the door to this affair in order to preserve the private affairs of the Muslims. And to Allaah belongs all success, and may peace and blessings be upon our prophet Muhammad (salla Allaahu alaihi wa sallam), his family and his companions.

[Source: Fataawa almar’ah al-muslimah – Al-lajnaa ad-daa’imah – daar at-tawheed p.567]

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