How Our Actions Today Determine How We Will Meet Death: A Guide to Living a Righteous Life
Every soul that walks upon this earth has a moment appointed for its departure. Death is not something that can be delayed or hastened; it is an inevitable reality that will come for each and every one of us, regardless of our station in life, our wealth, or our accomplishments. The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) reminds us in numerous sayings about the certainty and suddenness of death, urging us to always be prepared and mindful of our deeds. Life is but a fleeting moment, and how we live it will determine how we meet our Lord.
Some individuals pass away doing what they love, such as singing songs or dancing. Others may die in a tragic accident, a fire, or a stampede. Yet, the reality remains that death will find us no matter what we are doing at that moment. It does not wait for us to finish what we are engaged in. It comes to us regardless of our circumstances, sweeping us away as it has done for countless others before us.
The Question of How We Will Meet Death
When the Angel of Death, Malakul-Maut, is commanded to take the soul of an individual, he will come for them wherever they are. Whether one is in the midst of disobedience to Allah, caught in a sinful act, or immersed in acts of worship, death will come. Just as the one who passes away while singing or dancing is not guaranteed a good end, the one who dies in sujūd (prostration) in the masjid, or reciting the Qur’ān, has a potential for a noble and blessed end.
We are left to wonder: How will we meet our end? Will we leave this world while immersed in the love of Allah, reciting His words, or will we be caught in a moment of heedlessness, indulging in actions that bring us closer to His anger and punishment? Death is certain, but its timing and nature are unknown. The choice of how we live is in our hands. This is a test of the heart, a test of the soul, and a test of our daily actions. Our deeds today will shape our future, both in this world and in the Hereafter.
The Importance of Repentance and Reform
The beauty of Islam is that Allah, in His infinite mercy, allows us to return to Him, to repent and seek His forgiveness. There is no sin too great to be forgiven if we sincerely turn back to Him in repentance. The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said:
“Allah is more pleased with the repentance of His servant than a person who has lost his mount and his provision in a desert and then finds it again.” (Sahih Muslim)
In these powerful words, we are reminded of the immense mercy of Allah. No matter how far we may have strayed, as long as we breathe, there is always the chance to turn back. Therefore, if you find yourself engaged in actions that distance you from Allah, whether it is listening to music, participating in sinful acts, or wasting time in distractions, now is the time to repent and reform.
The Prophet (ﷺ) urged us to “leave what does not concern you” (Tirmidhi), and this advice resonates strongly today. How much of our time is spent on things that bear no benefit for our eternal success? Music, dancing, and the pursuit of worldly pleasures are fleeting. They offer no lasting contentment and no real peace. True peace comes from remembering Allah and turning towards Him in sincerity. We must ask ourselves: do we want to meet our Lord while engaged in sinful acts, or do we want to leave this world while worshiping Him, in a state of humility and submission?
The Significance of Worship and Obedience
The key to ensuring a good death is to live a life of obedience to Allah. The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) told us that “Every servant will be resurrected upon the way that they died” (Muslim #2878). This hadith serves as a reminder of the importance of how we live our lives. If we spend our lives in worship, in dhikr (remembrance of Allah), and in performing good deeds, then it is likely that we will meet our end in a state of obedience. The last actions we perform are often a reflection of the state of our heart. If we are found in worship when we die, it may be a sign that we lived a life pleasing to Allah.
Our time on this earth is limited, and none of us knows when our appointed time will come. But we do know that we will be resurrected based on the condition of our hearts and actions at the time of our death. Therefore, it is crucial to strive for a life of righteousness, humility, and obedience. We must seek to live in such a way that we would be content to meet Allah in that state, whether it be in prayer, in remembrance, or in a good deed.
Life is a Test: Be Prepared
Allah reminds us in the Qur’ān that this life is a test. He says:
"Do not kill yourselves. Indeed, Allah is ever Merciful to you." (Qur'ān 4:29)
This verse is not only a prohibition against suicide but also a reminder to guard our lives by living with purpose. Life is a precious gift that has been entrusted to us, and we must be conscious of the way we live it. We are tested daily by our actions, choices, and intentions. When we are engaged in acts that please Allah, we are ensuring that our lives will be filled with blessings, and that our death will be a peaceful transition to the Hereafter.
There is no guarantee of tomorrow. If we do not wake up tomorrow, let us ensure that our hearts are in a state of obedience to Allah. If we do not have another chance to repent, let us repent today. If we do not have another opportunity to perform good deeds, let us perform them now. The time to turn towards Allah is now, before it is too late.
Make a Change Today
The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said:
“The best of you are those who live long and do good deeds.” (Sunan at-Tirmidhi)
Let us live our lives in a way that reflects our love for Allah, our gratitude for His mercy, and our desire to meet Him in a state of purity. Let us distance ourselves from actions that bring us closer to disobedience and focus on those deeds that will elevate our status in His sight. Let us strive to be in a state of constant worship, in a state of constant remembrance, so that when our time comes, we will meet death while pleasing our Creator.
We have the ability to shape the end of our lives by shaping the way we live. The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) has shown us the path, and it is up to us to follow it with sincerity and dedication. May Allah guide us, forgive our sins, and grant us a good death, one in which we are found in a state of worship, in sujūd, or in remembrance of Him. Ameen.
Wake up before it’s too late, and make your life one that brings you closer to the mercy of Allah.