18 Qualities of a Good Wife: Building a Strong and Happy Marriage

The Characteristics of a Virtuous Woman: A Guide to a Fulfilling Marriage

May Allaah SubhaanaHu wa Ta’ala Grant all the sisters these qualities.

Writer: Anonymous.


1. When a woman is humble, she becomes a natural charm to her husband.

2. When a woman is submissive, she gets what she desires from her husband.

3. When a woman is trustworthy, she can control her husband’s finances.

4. When a woman is hospitable, she can host her husband’s meeting.

5. When a woman is friendly, she becomes her husband’s best friend.

6. When a woman is jovial and playful, she can unlock her husband’s sad mood.

7. When a woman is appreciative, she receives unexpected gifts from her husband.

8. When a woman is respectful, she can attend her husband’s cultural meetings with him.

9. When a woman is understanding, her husband feels free to tell her even the ugly.

10. When a woman is peaceful, her husband comes rushing home each time.

11. When a woman is tender-hearted, she makes a great mother to her kids.

12. When a woman is slow-tempered, she knows when to approach her husband in times of misunderstanding and arguments.

13. When a woman is not vulnerable, she is loved by her husband.

14. When a woman does not keep secrets from her husband, her husband tells her all of his every move.

15. When a woman is prayerful, she becomes a powerful support system to her husband.

16. When a woman is God fearing, she sets her home on the principles of God the Almighty.

17. When a woman is selfless, her husband relies completely on her.

18. When a woman is creative, she and her husband can figure out the future together.

Unfortunately, when you are not one of these, it becomes hard for you to enjoy marriage.

Seek Almighty help to become any of the above, you can’t do it on your own.

Greetings to all submissive Women.


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