The 10 T’s of a Successful Marriage: A Guide to a Happy and Harmonious Relationship

Building a Strong and Loving Marriage: The T’s of Success

T is for Taqwa – The foundation of a successful marriage. Fearing Allah allows both parties to live in harmony.

T is for Trust – Don’t allow any room for your spouse to doubt you and give them some personal space. 

T is for Tongue – Control your tongue when speaking to your spouse. Don’t speak rudely.

T is for Talk – Communicate with your spouse regularly. Let them know your feelings.

T is for Time – Make time to spend with your spouse, and realise that your life timetable has to change once you’re married. 

T is for Tea – Make sure you eat and drink together at the same time as this creates love between 2 people.  

T is for Tolerance – Nobody is perfect, but look at the good qualities in your spouse and tolerate the bad with patience. 

T is for Technology – Technology can make or break a relationship. Don’t allow it to become the third person in the relationship.

T is for Trouble makers – Don’t allow the rumours and comments of others spoil the harmony between you and your partner. 

T is for Temper – This is one of the biggest reasons behind marriage breaking. Control your anger with your spouse.

T is for Tahajjud – Wake up in the night for Tahajjud and even pray together, and encourage each other to do good deeds.


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