Can a Menstruating Woman Perform Ablution

Ablution During Menstruation: Permissibility and Rewards

Is it permissible for a woman to perform ablution whilst menstruating and will she be rewarded for it?

Sheikh ‘Abdulhamīd Az-Zu’kari ḥafidhahullāh said:

Certainly! It is permissible for her to perform ablution, and she will be rewarded, inshaAllah, for engaging in acts of obedience.

The Prophet ﷺ instructed the one in a state of major ritual impurity (Janābah) to perform ablution before sleeping, even though their prayer is not valid until they take a bath (ghusl). Similarly, there is no harm for a menstruating woman to perform ablution before sleeping or in a similar situation.

However, this ablution does not uplift the ritual state of impurity. She should not assume that this ablution uplifts her state of ritual impurity as long as she is menstruating and has not performed ghusl. Even if her menstruation ends and she performs ablution [before taking a bath], the ablution will not be valid.

Nonetheless, we cannot prevent her from performing ablution if she wishes to do so. One of the conditions for uplifting the state of impurity is the discontinuation of the cause, which also applies to major impurities; causes such as those intercourse, childbirth (nifas), and menstruation—ghusl is required after the cause has ceased.

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