The Importance of Timing in Slaughtering: A Lesson from Muntaqaa Ibn Al-Jarood

The Time of Slaughtering: Understanding the Ruling on Udhiyyah

What has come concerning sacrifices, 4th Lesson | Benefits from Muntaqaa Ibn Al-Jarood

By Shaykh, the ‘Allaamah, the Trustworthy Advisor, Abu ‘Abdirrahman Yahya bin ‘Ali Al-Hajoori – may Allaah preserve him

{The time of slaughtering 📚}

The first and last time of slaughtering.

¤ The first time of slaughtering is this hadith and the last time has already preceded.

And these proofs benefit you in regulating time and it’s importance.

▪️If you advanced or delayed the prayer beyond its prescribed time by a few minutes it would not be accepted.

▪️Likewise Hajj if he threw the stones after the sunset on the 13th day, his casting would be an innovation, and before the sunset his action would be sunnah.

▪️And like so, standing at Arafah with the intention of worship other than its appropriate time is an innovation.

▪️Because it is something other than its appointed time (whether it be) from giving charity or prayer or fasting or slaughtering.

▪️Whoever hastened something before its appointed time will be recompensed with being deprived of that thing.

▪️And likewise fasting during the night, his fast is not accepted or delaying zakaat from its appointed time, he is sinful.

¤ The intent is the importance of timing; the one who slaughters before the prayer (Eid), then it is not considered an Udhiyyah (Eid slaughter)

¤ And that the religion is built upon the Book and the Sunnah and not mere opinion.

922 – Muhammad bin Yahya narrated to us, he said Yazeed bin Harun narrated to us, he said Dawud bin Ali informed us, on the authority of Sha’bee, on the authority of Al-Baraa’a bin Aazib may Allaah be pleased with him that the Prophet ﷺ said: {Noone should slaughter before they pray}, So my uncle Abu Burdah stood up and said: “O Messenger of Allaah, today there is a lot of meat, and verily I slaughtered my sacrificial animal in order that my family and neighbours eat from it, and I have an ‘Inaaq better than two sheeps of meat, should I slaughter it? He said, “Yes, and a jadh’ah (goat that has completed six months to a year) is not accepted for anyone else after you, and it is the better of your two sacrificial animals.


The reconciliation between the hadith the jadh’ah is not accepted for anyone else after you.

And the hadeeth the jadh’ah suffices for what the thaniy (sheep that has completed two years) suffices

¤ The jadh’ah from the dha’n (sheep with wool fur) suffices for what the thaniy suffices with the presence or absence of other than it in totality.

¤ The jadh’ah from the mi’z (goat with non wool fur) does not suffice except in a specific case or for the one who cannot find one from the dha’n.

And his statement: ‘the better of your sacrifices’

Meaning that the first sacrificial animal was in other than its appointed time except that he is rewarded for his intention.

And the last sacrificial animal is an Udhiyyah and act of worship, so the last one even though it was a jadh’ah it became the better of the two because it was in its appointed time and it is accepted and the first one is a thaniyyah, not accepted because it was not in its appointed time, but in it is a type of good because he fed his family with it.

¤ Naseekah is the sacrificial animal if good is intended by it

¤ And in it is evidence that an act of worship that coincides with the Sunnah even if it is little is better than an abundance that opposes the Sunnah.

¤ Economizing on the Sunnah is better than exerting ones effort in innovation.

¤ This is a small jadh’ah, it is better than a big thaniyyah in good condition, but he opposed the Sunnah in its appointed time.

¤ So what blessing is in the Sunnah even if it is small.

¤ His statement: “Verily I slaughtered.” points towards that slaughtering on that day is desired and the Prophet ﷺ did it.

¤ His statement: “In order that my family and neighbours eat from it.” this points towards that the sacrificial animal is on behalf of him and his family and that he gave it in charity to his neighbours.

It is distributed upon three states:

  • That he and his family eats from it.
  • That gives in charity to his neighbours and gives (some) as a gift.
  • That he stores some of it.


¤ What is obligatory upon a person and the people of his household, is a sheep or more voluntarily, no matter how many or few.

¤ His statement: I slaughtered.

Meaning he slaughtered himself, and this is more preferable if possible.

¤ His statement: Let not one of you slaughter before he prays. Meaning do not slaughter before the prayer, before its appointed time.

So the Prophet ﷺ gave them a sermon and admonished them and guided them to the affairs of slaughtering and prayer.

¤ It is incumbent upon the khateeb to give importance to the matters concerning the people and fulfill their knowledge based and religious needs.

The conclusion of this speech

That the one that slaughters before the prayer on that day then it is not accepted until the sun rises the length of a spear.

¤ The intenet of prayer being its time.

And some of the people of knowledge say that it is not accepted except after the prayer completely.

And what is correct is after the sun rises by the span of a spear.

¤ The pilgrims in Arafah

Jum’ah is not obligatory upon them, likewise if they are in Mina, they merely prayer Dhuhr.

The days of Mina are

three days, all of them are the days of Nahr (slaughtering), meaning days after Eid.

And Allaah knows best

Transcribed to Arabic and summarised by:

By Hamood Ath-Thawaabi

may Allah reward him with good

on the 6th, Muharram, 1440H

Translated by:

Abu ‘Abdillah ‘Omar bin Yahya Al-‘Akawi

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