Guidance for Students of Knowledge: A Comprehensive Q&A Session
Madrasatuna || مدرستنا
0:00 – Q. What should be the minimum daily portion in terms of revision for someone who has already memorised the Qurʿān and is also busy with lessons?
A: 3 Juzz a day
2:03 – Q. Should a student prioritise memorising mutoon, or taking lessons, or a combination of the two?
A: Combine between the two. Memorisation is the weapon of a student, but don’t just memorise without any understanding. احفظ وافهم
Memorise and understand!
3:22 – Q. How does one combine between their memorisation and studies?
A: Organise your time well! Use the time when you are most energised for memorisation. Be patient.
5:09 – Q. What’s the best approach to take when advising others?
A: Advise using gentleness, knowledge and be sincere.
6:38 – Q. Do you advise students in the centres to specify a day to go out for da’wah, or should they stay put?
A: It may not be convenient to do so regularly, but if one is requested and they are competent, they should go. This will enhance their knowledge and give them experience in the field of Da’wah. Try and keep up with your classes via recordings while you’re away so you don’t miss out. We must not look down at the affair of da’wah and give the opportunity for misguided figures to get to the people before us.
9:55 – Q. Can you mention some etiquettes that should be regularly observed by students of knowledge?
A: Details require a lot of time, but the most important ones are: good manners, loving and hating for Allah’s sake, being a sincere advisor, speaking the truth, being just, not wasting time, dutifulness to parents, kindness to neighbours; this includes those who sleep next to you in the masjid…having a good all round profile is necessary even in affairs of the Dunya – who is going to give a job to an ill-mannered person?! So how do you expect to get accepted here if you are not well mannered, miss your classes, etc.?!
12:32 – Q. Is time wasting Ḥarām?
A: It’s a great loss, and we regret what has been wasted of our time. Hold yourself accountable.
13:40 – Q. What’s the remedy for oversleeping?
A: If you don’t find a remedy urgently it will only get worse, and if you minimise it you will be more energetic Insha’Allah. Oversleeping may be down to illnesses. If so, one is excused. It may also be down to having a lot of free time, or being accustomed from a young age, or eating a lot, or from the angle of Shaytan seeking to prevent him from goodness, that’s why when he engages in other types of activities all of a sudden he regains his energy…so fight against your enemy and repel him using Adhkar.
15:14 – Q. What’s your advice for students who busy themselves seeking knowledge throughout the day and finds no time to offer the night prayers?
A: He should not neglect Qiyam Al-Layl. This is important. You won’t find any scholar who is negligent when it comes to acts of worship. You are only seeking knowledge to draw closer to Allah through acts of worship. Thus, worship is the fruit of knowledge. Otherwise, what benefit is there in a fruitless tree?! No benefit! So busy yourself with worship, offer the night prayers even if it is short. You don’t have to stand in prayer the entire night. Take this as an opportunity to revise your Qurʿān. You must combine between seeking knowledge and observing acts of worship! Sleep early so you are able to awaken at night on your own. Take advantage of the last third of the night…Make the most of whatever you can of acts of worship – not just prayer (charity, seeking knowledge, etc.).
18:29 – Q. How does a student make the most of their stay in this centre?
A. Seek knowledge as though you will remain here for only 1 week/month! Don’t let false hopes hold you back.
20:34 – Q. How does one develop the ability to recall evidences as and when needed?
A: It comes with practice, experience and contemplation during classes, lectures, etc.
21:45 – Q. Some students focus solely on instrumental sciences and have not studied any Fiqh?
A: It’s necessary for all students here to take classes in Aqeedah, Tawheed, Fiqh, so that when they leave, they go back with a strong, sound Aqeedah; the Aqeedah of the Salaf. They must also have an awareness of Fiqh and other sciences so when they leave here they are capable of benefitting the people.
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