Solving Marital Issues: A Three-Step Solution and Additional Tips for a Stronger Marriage
Three-step remedy for marital problems
1. Leave off sins!
2. Sincere repentance!
3. Increase in good deeds!
That should solve the problem Insha’Allah. But if it doesn’t, I recommend the following:
4. Trace the route cause and eliminate/minimize.
What triggers the beef?
Is it because you’re spending more time on your phone than on your spouse? -> sort it out!
Are there topics which trigger beef? The “second wife” topic…possibly? -> Avoid controversies and get your act together brother.
Is third party involvement affecting your marriage? -> Do they need to be involved?
Disclosing marital secrets/problems? -> Don’t do this unless it’s with a trustworthy councilor/ seeking fatwa…and it should be with the intention of resolving and correcting – not exposing and reviling!
Are you busy making comparisons to other people/couples? They are doing this and that but we are not…he/she is doing this and that for his/her spouse, but you are not… -stop comparing and complaining and start being more appreciative. The more appreciative you are of your spouse, the more likely you will be appreciative of Allah
لا يشكر الله من لا يشكر الناس
And the more appreciative you are of Allah, the more He will continue to shower His blessings upon you
{لئن شكرتم لأزيدنكم}