4 Childish Attitudes to Avoid for a Strong and Healthy Marriage

Building a Stronger Marriage: Overcoming Immature Behaviors

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and his companions.

Brothers and sisters,

We are all created by Allah to love and be loved. He has placed within us a natural desire for companionship and connection. Relationships are a gift from Allah, and they are meant to be a source of joy and happiness.

However, relationships take work and effort to maintain. They are not always easy, and there will be times when we disagree or argue. But if we are willing to put in the work, our relationships can be a source of great strength and support.

In this talk, we will discuss some of the things that can weaken our relationships, and how we can strengthen them in an Islamic way.

We will also discuss the importance of love, respect, and forgiveness in a relationship.


If you are the type that always wants their partner to be the one who apologizes anytime there’s a misunderstanding, then you’re wrong!

 After any disagreement, you’ll not say anything, you can’t say sorry, you’ll just ghost your partner offline and online till he comes begging, if you have this habit, then you’re fooling yourself. 

A Relationship needs effort from both parties, your partner shouldn’t be the ONLY ONE making peace ALL THE TIME. 


 Imagine the things your partner told you in confidence, he will hear it in the market tomorrow, excuse me, are you a loudspeaker?

Everyone in the neighborhood knows about EVERYTHING said and done in your Relationship and Marriage, why? Is your marriage a Reality TV show? 

Zip Up. Practice Abstinence of the Tongue. 


 If you are in a Relationship or Married, know that how you act and relate with members of the opposite gender matters.

You’re in a Relationship or Married, yet you have no boundaries with guys or ladies, you call them sweetheart, baby, leave them flirtatious messages online and offline, you act/talk in a way that encourages toasters, stop it.

Don’t give your partner unnecessary High Blood Pressure and make them feel unloved. 


 You and your Partner will disagree or argue over something, or he said/did something offensive and the next thing, you go online and make a cryptic post about it.

People will understand that something is wrong in your relationship/marriage when you do such posts, that’s a disrespectful and hurtful thing to do to your partner.

Have any issues in your marriage or relationship? keep it away from social media.

Don’t wash your dirty linen in public, the internet never forgets. Only get to talk to competent and trusted ones who could help you to resolve the problem and not someone who will support you of what you’re doing, perhaps which is wrong!

In conclusion, relationships are a sacred bond between two people. They are a gift from Allah, and they are meant to be a source of joy and happiness. However, relationships take work and effort to maintain. If you are struggling in your relationship, remember that you are not alone. There are many resources available to help you. But most importantly, remember to always be kind to your partner, forgive them when they make mistakes, and communicate openly and honestly with them. If you can do these things, your relationship will be strong and lasting, inshaAllah.

Remember, Allah loves those who love each other. He has said in the Quran, “The believers are but brothers, so make peace between your brothers and fear Allah so that you may receive mercy.” (49:10)

So strive to make your relationship with your partner a source of love, peace, and happiness. And remember, Allah is always with you, helping you along the way.










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