The Trials of the Prophet Muhammad: A Test of Faith and Perseverance

The Life of the Prophet: A Story of Suffering, Forgiveness, and Gratitude

The Prophet was the most beloved creation of Allah and yet when you look at his life, you will realize that he went through more pain and tragedy than any human can ever imagine.

He lost his parents. He lost his grandfather. He lost his wife in one of most crucial stages of his life while she was the most beloved person to him in the world. He lost his uncle. Stones were pelted at him until his shoes were filled with blood. He buried six of his children during his lifetime. He was mocked, ridiculed, poisoned and driven to the point where he had to leave his homeland. 

No other Prophet was harmed as he was harmed and no other Prophet endured what he endured and the Prophets were the most severely tested people from amongst the mankind. Imagine the level of the trials of the Prophet.

People plotted against him, falsely accused him, tried to kill him many times, did everything possible to hurt him through their words, actions and behavior, even went as far as resorting to the use of magic.

He lost so many of his companions (may Allah be pleased with them all) during his lifetime. He was made fun of because he didn’t have sons and was told there would be no one to carry on his legacy. People martyred the members of his family and yet he found it in him to forgive them.

He went through all of that and so much more while there is no one who is more beloved to Allah than him. Despite all of that, he smiled more than anyone else did, stood in prayer until his feet were swollen and when asked why he did that, he would say, “Should I not prove myself to be a grateful servant?” (Sahih Muslim 2819)

In al-Tirmidhi it is narrated in a marfoo’ report: “On the Day of Resurrection people will wish that their skins had been cut with scissors in this world, when they see the reward of those who were struck with calamity.” 

One of the salaf said: Were it not for the calamities of this world, we would come empty-handed on the Day of Resurrection. 

Never think when Allah tests you, it is because He hates you, His tests are a sign of His love for you. The greater your trial is, the more it increases your rewards and know that when Allah loves someone, He tests them.


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