Message to Ilyas Qadri: Seeking Guidance & Reform

A Heartfelt Appeal to Ilyas Qadri for Reform in Religious Practices

A Sincere Message to Ilyas Qadri

The founder of Dawat-e-Islami Pakistan, Ilyas Qadri Barelvi, has not received formal education from any institute. He does not possess any degree, yet he runs large factories in the name of knowledge. The biggest factory among them is the organization of Dawat-e-Islami, which includes various departments such as teaching and education, writing and compilation, research and inquiry, fatwa writing, da’wah and propagation, unveiling and miracles, spiritual healing, contemplation and meditation, group dhikr sessions, teaching of Sufism, devotional gatherings, meetings of the lovers (Ashaq), bay’ah and adherence, and the Maktubat and amulets of Attari practices. It is said that this factory has over 81 departments dedicated to the service of the Sunnah, overseen by Ilyas Qadri, who has no formal scholarly credentials, and is supported by his sole khalifah, Mufti Waqar al-Din Qadri (whose title of “Amir” is debated by his followers themselves, as he was never formally elected).

Take a look at the titles of this so-called Amir, and you will be surprised. Here is a list of titles: (Alim Nabeel, Fazil Jaleel, Ashiq Rasul Maqbool, Yadgar Aslaf, Namuna-e-Aslaf, Mubaligh Islam, Rahbar-e-Qaum, Ashiq Madinah, Fidaye Madinah, Fidaye Ghous-ul-Wara, Fidaye Sayyiduna Imam Ahmad Raza, Sahib Taqwa, and so on, including claims of being the Amir of Ahl-e-Sunnat, Sufi Sheikh, and a representative of Sunnah).

As far as ignorance is concerned, I see no difference between the Amir of the Tablighi Jamaat and the Amir of Dawat-e-Islami. Just as the former spreads blind imitation and ignorance under the guise of da’wah, the latter is spreading similar ignorance under the banner of being the “Amir of Dawat.”

Through Dawat-e-Islami and the Madani Channel, doubts, ignorance, polytheism, innovations, Hindu practices, disbelief, Sufism, mystical beliefs, and superstitions are being propagated. I sincerely urge Ilyas Qadri to come to the straight path.

(May Allah grant me and everyone the ability to work for reform, Insha’Allah… Ilyas Qadri)

If there is any truth in Ilyas Qadri’s statement, then by reflecting upon this message, he should first reform himself and then focus on the reform of the entire Barelwi community. With the hope that “فَوَ اللَّهِ لَأَنْ يُهْدَى بِكَ رَجُلٌ وَاحِدٌ خَيْرٌ لَكَ مِنْ حُمْرِ النَّعَمِ” (Sahih al-Bukhari 2942)

Translation: “By Allah, if Allah guides even one person through you, it is better for you than red camels.”

Shrine Worship: Thanks to the Madani Channel, today polytheism is being spread directly into homes, and people are gathering at shrines instead of mosques. Men are seeking help from the dead, offering vows, using graves as intermediaries for good deeds, and engaging in practices like building shrines, performing acts of worship at graves, and even making commercial transactions with graves. Everything is tied to the graves. Some people even resort to visiting shrines when they want to engage in sinful activities, like committing adultery or gaining worldly benefits.

Islam prohibited the building of lofty graves or the practice of turning them into places of worship, yet the Barelwis have done just that. This is the point where the need for reform lies—both in the practice of shrine worship and in the Madani Channel. It is essential to present the true image of Islam, not one based on polytheism, innovations, and baseless beliefs.

The Dreams of Ilyas Qadri: Ilyas Qadri has a specific department dedicated to dreams and miracles. People, according to their own wishes, are encouraged to dream and see visions that support Ilyas Qadri, else face consequences. Mufti Abu Dawood Qadri revealed the true nature of Ilyas Qadri’s dream department, where fabricated dreams and miracles are promoted. A preacher of Dawat-e-Islami once reported that in a dream, the Prophet ﷺ instructed him to convey His greetings to Ilyas Qadri, a vision that caused confusion when shared with others.

Similarly, Ilyas Qadri himself has claimed to have seen the Prophet ﷺ in his dreams, which contradicts the respect and honor due to the Prophet ﷺ.

Miracles: Like the fabricated dreams, the so-called miracles attributed to Ilyas Qadri are equally questionable. One example claimed that a blind person regained sight after Ilyas Qadri’s gaze. Another claim was that a mobile phone could charge without being plugged in when in the presence of Ilyas Qadri. Another bizarre story narrates how he predicted the weather, and sure enough, rain began to fall.

These fabricated tales are being used to create a fabricated image of Ilyas Qadri as a “Wali” (saint), leading people further away from the true teachings of Islam.

The Journey to Madinah: Ilyas Qadri’s journey to Madinah is presented in an exaggerated manner. He is depicted as if he was a different creature, as if he did not belong to this world, drawing unnecessary attention to his so-called humility, tears, and profound love for Madinah. It is further claimed that during his visit to a Barelwi shrine, he rolled on the ground to show devotion, which is a demonstration of unnecessary and fabricated reverence.

These are just a few examples of how Ilyas Qadri uses these narratives to establish a false legacy.

Message to Ilyas Qadri: As a well-wisher, I urge you and all your followers to cease spreading ignorance in the name of Islam, stop promoting polytheism in the name of religion, and abandon the manufacturing of fake dreams and stories. The Prophet ﷺ said, “من دعا إلى هدًى، كان له من الأجرِ مثلُ أجورِ من تبِعه، لا يُنقِصُ ذلك من أجورِهم شيئًا. ومن دعا إلى ضلالةٍ، كان عليه من الإثمِ مثلُ آثامِ من تبِعه، لا يُنقِصُ ذلك من آثامِهم شيئًا” (Sahih Muslim 2674).

Translation: Whoever invites others to guidance will have a reward like those who follow him, without decreasing their reward in any way. And whoever invites others to misguidance will have a sin like those who follow him, without decreasing their sin in any way.

My message to Ilyas Qadri and his followers is: refrain from misguiding the Ummah, and stop spreading false beliefs, innovations, and superstitions. You will have to account for every action before Allah, and if you do not repent and change, the consequences in the hereafter will be severe. The transient glow of this world is nothing compared to the everlasting consequences of the hereafter. Seek Allah’s guidance and focus on your personal reformation, and correct the wrong beliefs you have spread. Only then can the Ummah truly unite.

And lastly, I pray sincerely for Ilyas Qadri’s guidance, just as the Prophet ﷺ prayed for the guidance of Umar ibn al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him). اللَّهمَّ أعزَّ الإسلامَ بأحبِّ هذينِ الرَّجُلَيْنِ إليكَ بأبي جَهْلٍ أو بعُمرَ بنِ الخطَّابِ قالَ: وَكانَ أحبَّهما إليهِ عمرُ (Sahih al-Tirmidhi 3681).

Translation: O Allah, strengthen Islam with the one of these two men whom You love most, Abu Jahl or Umar ibn al-Khattab. And it was Umar who was loved most by Allah.

Written by: Sheikh Maqbool Ahmad Salafi (Hafizahullah)
❪Jeddah Dawah Center, Saudi Arabia❫

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