What is the ruling regarding speaking with the fiancé

Understanding the Boundaries of Interaction with Your Fiancée in Islam

Sheikh Al-Uthaymeen, may Allah have mercy on him

The khateebah means the engaged woman. There is no difference between her and one who is not his fiancée.

Based on this, it is not permissible for the suitor to speak with his fiancé or contact her except to the extent permitted by Shariah. What Shariah has permitted is that if he intends to propose to a woman, he may look at her hands, feet and head without speaking to her except as necessary, such as asking her in the presence of her guardian, “Do you stipulate so and so?” or something like that.

Speaking with her on the phone for an hour or two is forbidden. Some suitors say, “I speak to her to understand her situation and make her understand my situation.” 

I say: Since you have proposed to marry her, you already know a lot about her situation and vice versa. There is no need to call her on the phone. Often these calls are not free from sexual desire, enjoyment of her voice and pleasure in it, which are not permissible for you.

[Al-Liqa Baab Maftuuh [52 of 519] ]

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Sheikh Sulayman al-Ruhayli, may Allah preserve him

The woman engaged to her suitor is a stranger like other strangers. It is never permissible for him to be alone with her. His seclusion with her is more serious than his seclusion with a stranger, because her family trusts him. When there is trust, the danger intensifies.

It is not permissible for him to go out with her, sit with her in places or speak with her casually. There is no harm in the necessary speech while observing precaution and adhering to etiquette. 

In summary, she is a stranger woman with the suitor, so she has the same ruling as a stranger woman with a stranger man. Leniency in this matter, despite being forbidden in itself, may lead to many other forbidden things and lead to corruption for the woman, her family and unfortunately many people have become complacent in this issue.

If a man proposes to a woman, they facilitate for him sitting alone with her, dim the lights, prepare the place and leave them alone together, and what happens happens. This is the greatest evil and forbidden.

As for the phone, it is not permissible. Her position is like that of a stranger woman.

[Lesson Three / Family Fiqh Course 1]

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Sheikh al-Albani, may Allah have mercy on him

Questioner: Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. 

Is it permissible to speak with my fiancée, knowing that no Sharia contract has taken place?

Sheikh al-Albani: Wa alaikum assalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. It is not permissible.

Questioner: Is it permissible for me to give her my picture?

Sheikh al-Albani: Is it permissible for you to take her picture?

Questioner: It is not permissible, O Sheikh.

Al-Albani: Then her ruling is like your ruling, it is not permissible.

Questioner: Is it permissible for me to visit her or call her on the phone to make sure she is okay?

Al-Albani: Why do you visit her? She is a stranger.

Questioner: Is it permissible for me to go out with her in the presence of a mahram? 

Al-Albani: It is permissible if she wears what she normally wears outside her home and wears proper Islamic hijab.

Questioner: Is it permissible to uncover her face?

Sheikh al-Albani: It is permissible.

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Sheikh Ibn Baz, may Allah have mercy on him

Yes, there is no harm in speaking with the fiancée on the phone or in person in the presence of her mahram or others, provided there is no seclusion. If the conversation is in the interest of marriage, there is nothing wrong with that.

However, if the conversation may lead to something forbidden or obscene, then it is not permissible.

But if it is in the interest of marriage and does not involve seclusion, but from a distance on the phone or in the presence of her father, brother, mother or the like, then there is no harm in that.

[Fatawa Nur ‘ala al-Darb]

#Nikah #Ruling #Fiance

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