From Self-Doubt to Spiritual Growth: One Sister’s Journey to Wearing the Hijab
My journey with Hijab
It took me 6 years to finally wear a hijab. Culturally, not wearing one was acceptable and none of the women in my family wore one so I never had an example set for me from when I was younger.
I only became interested in hijab when I attended uni, funnily enough. I befriended practising sisters in my class and started to attend the ISOC where I became aware of more sisters from my background that seemed happy and comfortable to cover. This was inspiring to me and the more they told me about Islam and showed me kindness; the more I wanted to wear a hijab.
Getting the confidence to wear one took so long because I was so insecure about my looks and thought I was so ugly without my hair showing. I know now this was a big lie from shaytaan.
I went from wearing a dangling pashmina on my head; to doing head wraps and turbans. I even wore hoodies just to get comfortable with having my head covered. You name it; I tried it. I know I looked ridiculous but it was my way of coming closer to Allaah and gaining more confidence with covering my hair.
In 2023 I went to Umrah for the first time and it was there I begged Allaah to make wearing the hijab easy for me. I left uni and vowed to commit to my prayers and no lie, that’s when doors started to open up for me.
On my return from umrah I was finally able to wear a head scarf which over time (about 4-5 months) turned into a khimaar and now I am fully covered in niqab and gloves.
There was a time I doubted myself and never thought I would get to where I am now in my imaan or wearing my hijab but by Allaah I made it.
I’d like to let any sister struggling to cover to know, you’re not alone. The journey can be long and rough but with lots of dua and sacrifice Allaah will make it easy.
To anyone looking down or doubting sisters who aren’t properly covered. Make excuses for them. You don’t know their struggle or how they are trying to get closer to Allah. If anything, make dua for them and show them kindness. You will be part of their journey towards righteousness.
We all have to start somewhere and the beauty is, even if your steps are small, they are big in the sight of Allaah.
Keep on your journey to hijab. Don’t care about how you look or what people will say. If you’re sincere Allaah will make a way and it will get easier.
(By Sister Mina)