Separation of Men and Women During Hajj: A Prophetic Tradition
Are We Allowed To Willingly Free-mix During ’Umrah & Hajj?
Question: How should one respond to those who permit free-mixing, citing that men and women are together during the Hajj?
Sheikh ’Abdulhameed Az-Zu’kari ḥafidhahullāh:
Who has permitted freemixing during Hajj? Did Allāh permit this freemixing? Did the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ permit it such that it could be used as an argument to allow free-mixing?
Instead, it is reported that Umm Salamah, may Allāh be pleased with her, performed her circumambulation behind the people, as it was the case for women to keep themselves distinct, unless a man fears losing a family member or companion, in which case a man may accompany her without contact with others.
Thus, free-mixing is prohibited, as it leads to fitnah.