Satanic Attacks on Women: Causes, Remedies, and Protection Through Faith

Understanding Satanic Attacks on Women and How to Protect Yourself with Islamic Teachings

Satanic Attacks on Women: Causes and Remedies

A sister, in a tone filled with sorrow, wrote to us, saying that Satan attacks her all day while she prays or recites the Qur’an. What should one do in such a situation? Believe me, the majority of issues brought to me by Muslim sisters often involve their belief that they or their household or a member of their family is under the influence of jinn. Considering all these problems, confusions, and worries faced by women, I have outlined the causes that lead people into Satan’s trap and mentioned a few preventive measures to protect oneself from satanic attacks. I hope that if Muslim sisters avoid satanic causes and adopt precautionary measures, they will, with Allah’s grace and blessings, achieve homes free from satanic influences and an exceptionally pure environment.  

Undoubtedly, Satan misguides humans and employs various strategies to lead them astray. However, blaming Satan entirely by saying that we cannot pray or recite the Qur’an because of him is incorrect. This is because he does not physically drag us towards evil. Instead, he whispers evil thoughts into our hearts, implants dirty ideas in our minds, and instills a sense of spiritual pleasure in walking the paths of evil. After this, a person voluntarily chooses the path of evil. Allah has made both good and evil clear and has given humans the ability to distinguish between them, leaving the choice in their hands. Allah says:  

“Indeed, We guided him to the way, be he grateful or ungrateful.” (Al-Dahr: 3)  

This means that if someone abandons prayer, it is by their own will, involving their intention and actions. For this reason, Allah has warned of Hell for abandoning prayer. Similarly, if someone prays, it is due to their intention and effort. Blaming Satan entirely for committing sins or avoiding good deeds would mean that punishing the sinner would be unjust, which contradicts divine justice. This concept needs to be understood clearly.  

To explain this further, consider a drunkard who claims that alcohol forces him to drink. Obviously, no rational person would accept this argument.  

Allah has given humans free will to choose between good and evil. The way to pursue goodness and achieve steadfastness, and how to stay protected from Satan’s evil, has been explicitly explained by Allah and His Messenger ﷺ. The reality is that we distance ourselves from Allah and His Messenger ﷺ’s teachings and adopt reasons that lead us towards evil. This makes it easier for Satan to attack us, and he succeeds in his deception. Consequently, we fall into disbelief and disobedience and become neglectful of worship. However, Allah has stated in the Qur’an that Satan can never overpower His sincere servants:  

[Iblis (Satan)] said: “By Your Might, then I will surely mislead them all, Except Your chosen slaves amongst them (faithful, obedient, true believers of Islamic Monotheism).” 

(Surah Sad: 82-83)  

It is well-known that Satan is an open enemy of humanity. Despite knowing this, we give him full opportunity to mislead and deceive us.  

For instance, when a woman steps out of her house, she often carries with her all the tools that make Satan’s task easier: wearing revealing clothing, using perfume, adopting seductive adornments, displaying her beauty, exposing her body’s contours, showcasing coquettish behavior in front of strangers, traveling without a mahram, being in seclusion with non-mahram men, mingling with men, talking to men in an enticing manner, going to cinemas, wandering aimlessly in markets, and so on.  

At home, women might watch movies, listen to songs, engage in gossip, cause conflicts, find faults in others, hang up pictures of living beings, make excuses for not praying, neglect Allah’s name in their daily lives, fall asleep while listening to songs or watching films, joke inappropriately with male relatives, chat frivolously or sinfully with strangers on social media, and waste time in trivial or sinful activities.  

From these examples, it is evident that women often invite Satan into their homes and become his prey by their own will.  

We are Muslims. If we implement Islamic teachings in our lives and society, Satan will never succeed in his schemes against us. Whatever tricks he uses against us will only result in his failure.  

Above, I mentioned some internal and external evils concerning women. Besides these, any other wrongs you are involved in should also be abandoned. Whether at home or outside, adhere to Islamic commandments, and Satan will not come near you. Instead, he will change his path when he sees you. Yes, he will change his path.  

Now, let me share a few precautionary measures to protect yourself from Satan:  

1. Eliminate Weak Beliefs

   Women often suffer from weak beliefs, which must be eradicated. They attribute every misfortune to jinn and seek solutions from irreligious exorcists and fraudulent faith healers. This weakness must be overcome, and superstitions should be abandoned.  

For example, blaming jinn for dropped clothes, stolen money, misplaced items, a sick child, a dead animal, delays in marriage, or disputes between spouses is baseless.  

Believe that nothing happens without Allah’s will. Accept that misfortunes come from Allah, and for physical ailments, consult a qualified doctor. Turn to Allah to resolve household issues, increase repentance and seek forgiveness, and perform acts that bring blessings to homes and lives. However, never take your problems to soothsayers or fraudulent faith healers.  

   Islam permits self-ruqyah (reciting supplications for oneself) and seeking ruqyah from a righteous individual. Therefore, when facing difficulties, first perform ruqyah using authentic supplications. If the issue persists, seek help from a pious and God-fearing person, but avoid professional deceitful practitioners entirely.  

   Always remember Allah’s promise:  

   “And whoever relies upon Allah – then He is sufficient for him.” (At-Talaq: 3)

   Thus, eliminate weak beliefs, correct your faith, and place complete trust in Allah. 

(2) Develop the fear of Allah within yourself. Evil is pervasive in every household and all around us, so one must strive to avoid it. In the absence of your husband, not only should you protect his wealth, but you must also safeguard your honor and dignity. You can easily fall prey to evil during such times, so extra caution is necessary. Today, the internet poses a significant trial; use it sparingly and always with the fear of Allah in mind. The fear of Allah should lead you toward worship and away from evil. Allah provides a way out for those who fear Him during times of trial.

(3) Acquiring Islamic knowledge and ingraining it into your character is crucial. With this foundation, perform prayers punctually while fearing Allah and following the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him). Pray yourself, teach your children to pray, and ensure the men in the house adhere to their prayers as well. In this way, your home will shine with the light of prayer and knowledge. Prayer resolves significant problems, invites Allah’s help, brings peace to the heart, bestows blessings upon households, protects from evil, and safeguards against the deceptions of Satan.

(4) Maintain consistency in reciting supplications, particularly after prayers and in the morning and evening. Teach your children these supplications and avoid delays in performing the obligatory bath of purification. Women, during their menstrual cycles, postpartum bleeding, or other similar conditions, often neglect acts of worship, providing Satan with an opportunity to mislead. While considering oneself impure, many refrain from uttering Allah’s name for days. However, Allah’s remembrance is essential and permissible under all conditions. During menstruation and postpartum bleeding, women may recite the Quran (without touching it directly), and in cases of irregular bleeding, it is obligatory to perform prayers. Regularly observe morning and evening supplications, supplications for sleeping and waking, eating and drinking, entering and exiting the bathroom, performing tasks, engaging in marital relations, and seeking protection from the evil eye.

(5) Recite the Quran regularly at home, especially Surah Al-Baqarah. Before sleeping, include other prescribed supplications such as the last two verses of Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayat Al-Kursi, Surah As-Sajdah, Surah Al-Mulk, Surah Al-Ikhlas, Surah Al-Kafirun, Al-Mu’awwidhatain, Surah Al-Fatiha, and Surah Al-Kahf on Fridays. Recite varied chapters during prayers at home to ensure protection and safeguard against Satan’s mischief.

(6) Set aside a specific time for reading the Quran with translation and interpretation. Additionally, read Hadith translations and study the life of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and Islamic rulings gradually, according to your availability. As knowledge increases, so will your zeal for practicing Islam, reducing the chances of falling into evil due to ignorance and protecting you from Satan’s deceptive plots.

(7) Remove anything from your home that prevents angels from entering and blocks Allah’s mercy. This includes dogs, pictures of living beings displayed on walls, music, entertainment devices, and haram food or clothing. Discard such items to invite blessings into your home.

(8) Avoid going out unnecessarily, especially alone or at night. Stay away from inappropriate places like music concerts, cinemas, marketplaces, fairs, hotels, and dance halls. Prevent children from going out after sunset. When leaving home, avoid clothing or behavior that could provoke fitnah, such as flashy attire, perfume, excessive adornment, or displaying beauty. Adhere to Islamic modesty, dress simply, and take a mahram when traveling.

(9) Cultivate an Islamic environment at home and maintain friendships with righteous women. Avoid associating with women who are immoral, gossip, slander, spread mischief, engage in sinful behavior, disobey their husbands, or disrupt families. If you can correct such women, do so; otherwise, distance yourself from them. Their company can negatively influence you and bring harm to your household.

(10) Satan is always waiting for an opportunity to attack, so seek Allah’s refuge regularly for yourself and your family, and pray for blessings and protection for your home. Prayer is the weapon of a believing man and woman. Through prayer, even the greatest calamities can be averted, provided you have piety, abstain from haram acts, and obey Allah’s commands.

In conclusion, Satan troubles, harms, and harasses people, especially young women, even residing in homes to disturb families. He frightens people at night and may possess individuals. However, remember that we invite Satan into our homes and give him opportunities. By following the aforementioned precautions, you can protect yourself and prevent Satan from entering your home.

There is no doubt that Satan is our open enemy, but he cannot harm or mislead everyone. If Satan had the power to harm all and prevent good deeds, no one would remain worshiping Allah on earth. He would lead everyone into evil and cause harm universally. Satan swore to mislead humanity and has been employing his deceptive tactics from the beginning. However, Allah’s devoted servants have always been protected from his schemes and will continue to be safeguarded until the Day of Judgment.

For those attributing every trouble to jinn and relying on so-called healers, remember the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) teaching: every person has a companion devil. These so-called healers talk only about shadows of jinn while every person has a complete Satan with them. Does this mean Satan harms everyone? No. Understand that every trial is from Allah. Some trials are tests, while others are consequences of one’s own actions. In times of hardship, turn to Allah with patience. If someone believes a woman is genuinely possessed by jinn, seek the help of a pious and righteous individual who uses the Quran and authentic prayers for treatment. Avoid fraudulent spiritualists, sorcerers, or visiting graves, as these may temporarily solve the problem but destroy your faith and deeds. Islam emphasizes lawful treatment and remedies for all ailments.

✍️ Written by: Sheikh Maqbool Ahmed Salafi (Hafizahullaah)  
❪Jeddah Dawah Center, Hayy al-Salamah – Saudi Arabia❫ 
✍🏻 English Interpreter: Hasan Fuzail  

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