The Importance of Context in Islamic Rulings: Insights from Sheikh Albāni
Rulings CHANGE according to TIME and PLACE!
Sheikh Albāni raḥimahullāh said:
“The statement that ‘rulings change according to time and place’ is a VERY DANGEROUS principle if taken in its broadest sense. The correct understanding of this principle is that it applies to rulings derived from ijtihad of the scholars, and not to the rulings explicitly stated in the Book of Allah or the ḥadīth of the Messenger of Allāh. These latter rulings are not subject to this principle that says: “rulings change with the passage of time and place.”
Rather, this principle applies to those rulings which were deduced and reasoned by the scholars, as ijtihad and deduction are inherently subject to error and correctness, unlike what has been explicitly stated in the Qur’ān and Sunnah.
Additionally, these rulings that were established through ijtihad and deduction took into consideration the context and circumstances in which people were living at the time. Hence, these rulings were formulated to suit that particular era.”
[Mutafarriqāt, Tape No. 101]