Is Piercing Women’s Nose and Ears Permissible in Islam?

Understanding the Permissibility of Nose and Ear Piercing for Women in Islam

In Islam, women are permitted to adorn themselves for their husbands. Piercing the nose and ears is also considered a form of adornment, and therefore, it is allowed. During the time of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), women used to wear earrings as a form of adornment.

Hadith Reference:
Narrated by Hajjaaj bin Minhaal, who said that Sho’bah narrated to him, and he was informed by ‘Adi bin Saabit, who said that he heard from Sa’eed bin Jubair, who reported from Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with them) that the Prophet (peace be upon him) prayed two rak’ahs on the day of Eid, without having prayed any before or after it. Then he came to the women, accompanied by Bilal, and commanded them to give charity, so the women began to throw their earrings into Bilal’s cloak.
(Sahih Bukhari: 5883)

Based on this Hadith, it is established that women can pierce their ears and wear earrings. Although this Hadith does not mention piercing the nose, it is possible that women also wore adornments in their noses, and since there is no prohibition against it, it can be said that using a nose ring as a form of adornment is permissible, just like earrings.

Some people argue against piercing the nose based on reasons such as causing pain, altering the body, and not being in accordance with Allah’s creation. However, piercing the nose typically causes only minor discomfort, and the resulting hole is considered normal in common practice. It is neither seen as a significant harm nor as a change in Allah’s creation.

This minor wound for adornment does not hold any significant meaning, as we see that in cases of necessity, the body may be cut, which is permissible. Many scholars have issued fatwas permitting this, including Shaikh Ibn Baz, Shaikh Abdullah bin Ghadyan, Shaikh Saleh Fauzan, Shaikh Abdul Aziz Aal al-Shaikh, Shaikh Abu Bakr Zaid, and Shaikh Ibn Uthaimeen (may Allah have mercy on them).

A Few Points to Keep in Mind:

  1. Piercing the nose and ears for adornment is only permissible for women, not for men.
  2. Nowadays, there are nose rings and earrings available in the market that do not require piercing. If someone uses such items, it is very good. They can wear them whenever they want and take them off whenever they wish. In both cases, beauty is achieved; when the ears and nose are pierced but not adorned, it does not look good.
  3. Some women pierce their noses and ears multiple times, which instead of being an adornment, becomes a source of hardship. This should be avoided.
  4. When wearing a nose ring, be mindful that water reaches all parts during ablution (wudu) or bathing (ghusl). If there is a possibility that water may not reach some areas, it is better to remove the nose ring before performing wudu or ghusl.
  5. If one intends to pierce the nose or ears, it is better to do so in childhood, as the sensation is less intense, similar to the practice of circumcision for boys.

Wallahu A’lam Bis-Sawaab! (And Allah knows best!)

Author: Sheikh Maqbool Ahmed Salafi حفظه الله
❪ Jeddah Dawah Center – Al-Salamah – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ❫

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