Understanding the Marital Bond After Death: Do Spouses Become Non-Mahram?

Do Husbands and Wives Remain Connected After Death? Debunking Common Myths

Question: After the death of a wife, do the husband and wife become non-mahram (unrelated by marriage) to each other, and is the husband not allowed to see his wife one last time? Please provide guidance with evidence.

Answer: There is a false belief circulating among people that after the death of a spouse, the husband and wife become non-mahram to each other, and thus the husband cannot see his wife for the last time. This is baseless and entirely untrue, and it has been propagated by followers who lack evidence.

In reality, the relationship between husband and wife does not end with death. They remain husband and wife, and there is no issue with them seeing each other at the time of death. This is why, when a husband dies, his wife inherits from his estate as his wife, and when a wife dies, her husband inherits from her estate as her husband. Even after death, when both spouses enter Paradise, they will be together because their relationship remains intact.

✍ Sheikh Maqbool Ahmed Salafi حفظه الله

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