Can You Pay Sadaqat al-Fitr with Government-Provided Rations

Paying Sadaqat al-Fitr with Government-Provided Rations: What You Need to Know

Question: Can we pay Sadaqat al-Fitr from the government quota that we receive from grain etc.?


The ration that is provided by the government for the poor people becomes the property of the poor person after receiving the ration and undoubtedly one can pay the Fitra with this ration, but one caution should be kept in mind. If the grain is not edible, if it contains bricks and stones or if there is a grain that we do not like, it should not be given as fitrah, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: Like for your brother what you like for yourself. In such a case, it is obvious that we should give such grains as we like for our own food.

By: Sheikh Maqbool Ahmed Salafi Hafidahullah

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