Authentic Supplication for After Eating: What the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Recited

After Eating Supplication: Authentic Dua from the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Question: Someone mentioned that this is the supplication for after eating: ((اللهم أطعمت وأسقيت وأقنيت وهديت وأحييت، فللك الحمد على ما أعطيت). Can I read this supplication?

Answer: This supplication is authentically established and is found in Musnad Ahmad. Sheikh Al-Albani has included it in both Sahih Al-Jami and Silsilat Al-Sahihah.

When the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) began eating, he would say Bismillah (In the name of Allah), and when he finished eating, he would recite this supplication: (اللهم أطعمت وأسقيت وأقنيت وهديت وأحييت، فللك الحمد على ما أعطيت).

عن عبدالرحمن بن جُبَير أنه حَدَّثَه رجلٌ خَدَمَ النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ثمان سنين، قال: كان النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم إذا قُرِّبَ له طعام قال: “بسم الله” فإذا فرغ من طعامه قال: “اللهُمَّ أَطْعَمْتَ وَأَسْقَيْتَ، وَأَغْنَيْتَ، وَأَقْنَيْتَ، وَهَدَيْتَ، وَاجْتَبَيْتَ، فَلَكَ الْحَمْدُ على ما أَعْطَيْتَ”.

Translation: “O Allah! You have fed, You have given drink, You have satisfied, You have guided, and You have given life. All praise is due to You for the blessings You have bestowed.”

Silsilat al-Ahadith as-Sahihah, numbering by Al-Albani: 71

✍ Sheikh Maqbool Ahmed Salafi (Hafizahullaah)

Jeddah Dawah Center – As-Salamah – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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