Prayer and Wudu with a Persistent Cough: Islamic Ruling

Ruling on Performing Wudu and Prayers with Persistent Cough and Urine Leakage

Question: A sister has a question regarding a persistent cough she has had for several months. She has sought treatment, but it hasn’t been very effective. The problem is that the frequent coughing causes urine drops to leak, and during Wudu (ablution), she has to repeat it multiple times. It becomes very difficult for her to perform both the Sunnah and Fardh prayers of Fajr without disruption. If she coughs during the prayer, she has to repeat Wudu. What is the ruling for her in such a situation according to Shariah?

Answer: If someone has a persistent cough that causes urine drops to leak, even during prayer, and they have no control over it, the ruling for such a woman is similar to that of someone experiencing Istihadah (non-menstrual bleeding) or those who have incontinence. Such a person should perform Wudu at the time of prayer and complete their prayer with that Wudu. Any drops of urine that may leak due to coughing during the prayer will not invalidate the prayer, as this is a matter of necessity, and such difficulties are excused.

✍ Sheikh Maqbool Ahmed Salafi (Hafizahullaah)

Jeddah Dawah Center – As-Salamah – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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