How to Perform Ablution and Pray with a Urinary Droplets Condition

Question: If someone has a condition of urinary drops, how should they perform ablution (wudu) and pray?

Answer: If someone has a condition of urinary droplets, they should perform ablution before each prayer. Before making ablution, they need to clean the private parts and any areas affected by impurity. After cleaning, they should proceed with ablution. After ablution, they may use a pad or similar item to prevent urine from dripping. Any droplets that come out after ablution will not affect the validity of the ablution. They can perform one prayer with this ablution and then, for the next prayer time, they should perform ablution again, starting with cleaning any impurity, then making ablution, and performing the prayer.

✍ Sheikh Maqbool Ahmad Salafi Hafizahullah Jeddah Dawah Center – Al-Salamah – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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