Can I Divide Jewelry Among My Children to Avoid Paying Zakat?

Understanding Zakat Obligations on Jewelry and Gifts for Children

Question: I have three children, one aged 14, another 16, and the third 18, and all are adults. I wanted to ask if I should divide the jewelry I have kept for their future marriages now because I find it very difficult to pay Zakat, and I am unable to calculate Zakat on all the jewelry. If their share remains below the Nisab (threshold for Zakat), they won’t need to pay Zakat, and if their share exceeds the Nisab, I will pay Zakat on their behalf. Can I divide the jewelry among my children because I cannot pay Zakat?

Answer: It is not correct to divide your jewelry among your children just to avoid paying Zakat. Allah has blessed you with wealth in the form of gold and silver, and this wealth requires Zakat. You can pay Zakat by selling some jewelry. It is not necessary to have separate money to pay Zakat.

However, if you have truly set aside the jewelry for your children’s marriages and intend to give it to them, then you may assign each child a share of the jewelry today, according to what you intend to give. If their individual shares do not reach the Nisab, then there will be no Zakat obligation. But if any share reaches the Nisab, then Zakat must be paid on that share.

Response by: Sheikh Maqbool Ahmad Salafi (Hafizahullaah)

Jeddah Da’wah Center, Hai Al-Salama – Saudi Arabia

Interpreter: Hasan Fuzail

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