The Islamic Perspective on Plucking Eyebrows and Facial Hair

The Prohibition of Plucking Eyebrows and Facial Hair in Islam

Question: I need proof to tell another woman that she should not pluck her eyebrows or remove facial hair. What can I present?

Answer: Abdullah ibn Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated:

"Allah has cursed those who tattoo, those who get tattooed, those who pluck facial hair, and those who create spaces between their teeth for beauty, changing the creation of Allah" (Sahih Bukhari: 4886, Sahih Muslim: 2782).

In this hadith, the term “al-mutanammisat” is used, which refers to those who remove facial hair or have it removed by others. In another hadith, Abdullah ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) said:

“Cursed are those who add hair extensions and those who get hair added, those who remove facial hair, and those who have it removed, as well as those who tattoo and those who get tattooed without any disease” (Abu Dawood: 4170, authenticated by Sheikh Albani).

This hadith indicates that it is forbidden for a woman to trim or pluck her eyebrows or have someone else do it for her. Additionally, adding hair extensions is also prohibited. These actions are considered altering Allah’s creation and are not permissible for Muslim women.

✍ Sheikh Maqbool Ahmad Salafi حفظه الله

❪Jeddah Dawah Center – Al-Salamah – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


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