Dealing with a Husband’s Use of Amulets: A Guide for Muslim Women

How to Address the Issue of Amulets in Your Home and Seek Guidance

Question: A sister’s husband strongly believes in amulets and brings various types of amulets into the house, placing them in different locations like fans, windows, etc. The sister is very distressed, and if she says anything to her husband, she might get beaten, as she has experienced before. What should the sister do in this situation? How can she explain to her husband and keep her house free from amulets? The sister mentioned that she calls upon her “Murshid” (spiritual guide) for help, who she refers to as the Quran, and prays to it whenever she is distressed.

Answer: The most fundamental thing is that no matter how many amulets and charms the husband brings into the house, the sister should not be afraid of them. The husband’s actions are impermissible and involve shirk (associating partners with Allah), but these actions will neither harm the house nor the sister, nor will they bring any benefit.

Regarding how the sister should deal with her husband, since a woman is generally weaker in front of her husband, she should try to explain to him in a gentle manner that these amulets will not bring any benefit, but the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has forbidden such actions, and therefore, it is a sin. It would be better to avoid such actions.

The sister should also try to play a lecture by a knowledgeable scholar on her mobile at an appropriate time when her husband’s mood is good, as if she is listening to it for herself, but with the intention that her husband also hears it. Additionally, she should try to bring a good book from a bookstore that refutes the use of amulets and keep it at home. It is possible that the husband might soften his heart after listening to the lecture or reading the book. Alongside this, the sister should pray to Allah for her husband’s guidance during her prayers. Since the husband is deeply involved in the use of amulets, his other actions might also be incorrect. Therefore, he should be advised to attend gatherings of righteous scholars and be in their company so that he can reform himself completely.

For peace of mind and worship, the sister should certainly recite the Quran, but when she needs help, she should ask Allah for help, as the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “When you need help, ask Allah for help.”

✍ Sheikh Maqbool Ahmed Salafi (may Allah protect him)

❪Jeddah Dawah Center, Al-Salamah – Saudi Arabia❫


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