Islamic Ruling on Autopsy and Medical Negligence: A Guide

Can an Autopsy be Conducted on a Child Who Died Due to Medical Negligence?

Question: If a child dies due to a doctor’s wrong injection or incorrect treatment, and the family wants to conduct an autopsy for investigation, is it permissible to do so? And if the evidence proves the truth, will it be considered murder?

Answer: If there has been negligence on the part of the doctor during treatment, there is no harm in conducting an investigation using modern methods. There is no issue with that.

As for the matter of the child’s death, it is clear that this would not be considered intentional murder, as the doctor did not deliberately kill the child. The doctor might have administered the wrong medication due to lack of knowledge or inexperience, which could have caused harm. If the child dies due to the doctor’s inexperience, it is termed as “quasi-intentional murder” or “accidental killing.”

Since we live in a democratic country, if a mistake occurs, the court and relevant authorities can be approached. In such a case, legal action can be taken against the doctor.

✍ Sheikh Maqbool Ahmed Salafi حفظه الله

❪Jeddah Dawah Center – Al-Salama – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia❫

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