The Power of Respect in Marriage: How to Strengthen Your Relationship with Your Husband

Respecting Your Husband: The Key to a Harmonious Marriage

My dear sisters, don’t expect a harmonious marriage if you don’t know how to respect your husband as a husband and a leader of the family.

No matter how beautiful or smart a woman is, if she doesn’t possess her feminine quality of being calm, soft and gentle,

Instead she’s being disrespectful, rude and arrogant towards her husband—then don’t be surprised if your husband’s feelings for you will slowly fade away.

No man is perfect, but neither is any woman! 

If you want your husband to open his heart for you, then don’t stay out of your fitrah (nature) and avoid hurting his feelings.

Wallahi what men need from a woman is loyalty and to give him a peace of mind. This is how you give him respect. 

Deal with him in a gentle manner so he would let his guard down and easily realize his mistakes. But don’t ever raise your voice towards him or embarrass him in front of anyone. 

Allāh gave the men toughness and firmness as their weapons,

While women were gifted with gentleness and sweetness as their weapon. No need to show stubbornness.

Respect is the biggest deal maker for a man. And if you can’t respect him as your husband, just respect him as how the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ commanded us, 

Respect your husband and know his value

From the attributes of the righteous wife is respecting your husband and knowing his status and his rights upon you.

▪️Messenger of Allāh ﷺ said:

I do not command anyone to prostrate to another human being, but if I were to command anyone to do that, then I would certainly order a woman to prostrate to her husband.

📖 [Collected by at-Tabarani in “Al-Mu’jam al-Kabir (11/356)]

▪️‘Ā`ishah (Allāh be pleased with her):

“O women, if you were to know the right of your husbands over you, one of you would wipe the dust off her husband’s feet by the cheek of her face.”

📖 [الكبائر للذهبي ١/١٧٢]

Respect your husband,

He is yours,

He’s not your enemy, 

He’s your companion,

He’s Your Love.

So if he struggles, then be there for him to hand him help and lessen his burden. He needs you. So treat him right and not abuse his rights.


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